RE: An odd addition to the axis of evil

From: Ray Recchia (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 23:48:55 GMT

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "Re:"

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    Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 18:48:55 -0500
    From: Ray Recchia <>
    Subject: RE: An odd addition to the axis of evil
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    Hello Vincent and Aaron,

    I applaud you both on your in depth analysis of the right wing conservative
    mind. One of you claiming it was RU 486 and the other economics, and I
    think there was someone else who said something about GATT. However there
    is a far simpler alternative. I would have to give the nod to the editor
    of The Weekly Standard who I would assume understands his reader's minds a
    bit better than any of us.

    >Dear Ray,
    >You weren't able to find the results to that Question of the Week because
    >the polls aren't archived for the public. But it's true: France was the
    >run-away winner.
    >However, I'm not certain that our readers weren't just having a little bit
    >of fun.
    >Jonathan V. Last
    >Online Editor
    >The Weekly Standard
    >1150 17th Street, NW
    >Suite 505
    >Washington, DC 20036
    >p 202.293.4900
    >f 202.293.4901

    At 11:41 AM 2/14/2002 +0000, you wrote:
    > <In addition to Religious Right views on other countries' sexual
    >morality, big government, and godlessness, there is also the abortion
    >issue that comes into play in the French case. The drug RU-486 is
    >known as "the French abortion pill." The Religious Right here regards
    >it as a chemical weapon being used to commit genocide against
    >"unborn children." They adhere to a view that life (as a person)
    >begins at conception, and that aborting even an embryo is murder.
    >Because France has liberal abortion laws, and is regarded as the
    >inventor of RU-486, it probably gets a special "evil" status in the
    >minds of the US Religious Right.>
    >Very interesting Aaron, I wasn't aware of this, and I suspect it is a major
    >element. I guess I thought economics because much of the French antipathy
    >towards the US is economics-based, stemming from post-war annoyances about
    >US economic imperialism (coca-colaization, or some such phrase, IIRC
    >originated on France).
    >I'd be interested to hear anyone's explanation for why so many of the people
    >campaigning bitterly about the ilegality and inappropriateness of the Hague
    >trial of Slobodan Milosevic appear to be Americans. Personally, I feel this
    >kind of international court is the way to go for judging the likes of
    >Milosevic, bin Laden (if he's ever caught) etc., but there do some to be
    >some serious inconsistencies in the way the tribunal has been set up. Even
    >so, I can't work out why Americans would be campaigning on behalf of
    >Milosevic whose time in power was one of the great tragedies of 20th century
    >Europe, but they've been all over the British media complaining about the
    >[Incidentally does anyone think that Ken Lay should be given the Camp X-Ray
    >treatment to get him to open up? A larger number of people in the British
    >elite are knee-deep in the Enron affair including the head of the Press
    >Complaints Commission- the main regulatroy body of the print media-, the
    >chairman of the BBC, not to mention a number of MPs as well]
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