Re: Brain stores Memes as Form

From: Philip Jonkers (
Date: Mon Oct 08 2001 - 18:46:40 BST

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    Quoting salice <>:

    > I didn't thought about this before but i came just up with it in
    > discussion.
    > The brain is able to store memes because it can store form.
    > The way in which the form is structurally saved in the brain might
    > differ between different people, but the form which is saved can stay
    > the same. In this way the form which is saved in the brain can be
    > transmitted between brains without transmitting the brain structure.
    > What do you think?

    I think you're on the right track Salice. I figured this too.
    There's a distinction in form to be made between memes as
    stored entities in the brain and the IO-facilities used in
    communicating memes.
    Consider the following scenario on meme-tranfer.
    The brain centers engaged with speech tap into memory looking for
    the meme at hand. They arrange (transform, if you will) the
    brain-data signifying the meme, for verbal transfer to the
    person hearing. In this latter person, the brain centers
    engaged with audition transfers the newly received meme to
    certain brain parts engaged with transforming the
    audition input o/t meme to a form which can be retrieved and
    manipulated. By definition, the facility dealing with retrieval
    must be memory. It will depend on perceived degree of utility
    o/t meme whether this is short-term memory or long-term.


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