Fwd: Scientists Rough Out Humanity's 50,000-Year-Old Story

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Date: Tue Nov 14 2000 - 14:01:10 GMT

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    Scientists Rough Out Humanity's 50,000-Year-Old Story


    From what had seemed like irreversible oblivion, archaeologists and
    population geneticists believe they are on the verge of retrieving a
    record of human history stretching back almost 50,000 years.

    The record, built on a synthesis of archaeological and genetic data,
    would be a bare bones kind of history without individual names or deeds.
    But it could create a chronicle of events, however sketchy, between the
    dawn of the human species at least 50,000 years ago and the beginning of
    recorded history in 3,500 B.C. The events would be the dated migrations
    of people from one region to another, linked with the archaeological
    cultures and perhaps with development of the world's major language

    The new element in this synthesis is the increasing power of geneticists
    to look back in time and trace the history of past populations from
    analysis of the DNA of people alive today.

    "It is astonishing how much archaeology is beginning to learn from
    genetics," Dr. Colin Renfrew, a leading archaeologist at the University
    of Cambridge in England, said at a conference on human origins held last
    month at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island.

    In one of the most detailed genetic reconstructions of population history
    so far, Dr. Martin Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England
    and many colleagues have traced the remarkably ancient ancestry of the
    present-day population of Europe.

    Some 6 percent of Europeans are descended from the continent's first
    founders, who entered Europe from the Near East in the Upper Paleolithic
    era 45,000 years ago, Dr. Richards calculates. The descendants of these
    earliest arrivals are still more numerous in certain regions of Europe
    that may have provided them with refuge from subsequent waves of
    immigration. One is the mountainous Basque country, where people still
    speak a language completely different from all other European languages.
    Another is in the European extreme of Scandinavia. Another 80 percent
    arrived 30,000 to 20,000 years ago, before the peak of the last
    glaciation, and 10 percent came in the Neolithic 10,000 years ago, when
    the ice age ended and agriculture was first introduced to Europe from the
    Near East.

    It used to be thought that the most important human dispersals occurred
    in the Neolithic, prompted by the population increases made possible by
    the invention of agriculture. But it now seems that the world filled up
    early and the first inhabitants were quite resistant to displacement by
    later arrivals.

    Dr. Richards's estimates, reported in the current issue of The American
    Journal of Human Genetics, are based on analysis of mitochondrial DNA, a
    genetic element that occurs in both men and women but that is transmitted
    only through the mother; thus, they reflect only the movement of women.

    The movement of men can be followed through analysis of the Y chromosome,
    but the Y chromosome is harder to work with and data are only just now
    becoming available. In an article in the current issue of Science, Dr.
    Peter A. Underhill of Stanford University and colleagues reported the
    first analysis of the European population in terms of the Y chromosome.
    Although this agrees with the mitochondrial DNA findings in major
    outline, suggesting that Europe was populated mostly in the Paleolithic
    period with additions in the Neolithic, there are some points of

    The earliest migration into Europe according to mitochondrial DNA took
    place from the Near East 45,000 years ago, but Dr. Underhill and his
    colleagues said they could see no corresponding migration in the Y
    chromosome data.

    They have found a very ancient Y chromosome mutation that occurs in
    Siberia as well as Europe. They boldly link this mutation with the
    bearers of the Aurignacian culture who entered Europe 40,000 years ago.
    The culture appears in Siberia at about the same time, as if these early
    people had spread both east and west.

    Dr. Underhill and his colleagues associate another mutation, which is
    common in India, Pakistan and Central Asia as well as Europe, with the
    people of the Kurgan culture who, according to one theory, expanded from
    southern Ukraine and spread the Indo-European languages.

    Dr. Underhill's report tries to make the grand synthesis between
    archaeological and genetic data, but it will probably be some time before
    the specialists in each area agree on how the two types of data should be

    "It is very exciting that the geneticists now have internal dating
    procedures, but really I think the dates are very loose indeed," Dr.
    Renfrew said in an interview.

    Geneticists believe that the world outside Africa was populated by the
    migration of a very small number of people who left east Africa about
    50,000 years ago. These modern humans, with their more advanced and
    inventive culture, are thought to have displaced the archaic hominids
    like the Neanderthals, which had emigrated from Africa many thousands of
    years earlier.

    These Paleolithic populations created sophisticated stone tools and left
    evidence of their advanced culture in the cave paintings of southern
    France, dating to at least 30,000 years ago. Although anatomically modern
    humans first appear in Africa about 150,000 years ago, their
    archaeological remains show little sign of modern human behavior.

    Dr. Richard Klein, an archaeologist at Stanford University, has suggested
    that some genetic change, perhaps as profound as the invention of
    language, occurred in Africa around 50,000 years ago, and that it was
    these behaviorally modern humans who both spread within Africa and
    populated the rest of the globe.

    This thesis was challenged at the Cold Spring Harbor conference by two
    archaeologists, Dr. Sally McBrearty of the University of Connecticut and
    Dr. Alison Brooks of George Washington University. They argued that each
    of the components said to characterize the Paleolithic revolution in
    human behavior, like stone blades, long distance trade and art, can be
    found in Africa at earlier dates.

    "So all the behaviors of the Upper Paleolithic have an African pedigree,"
    Dr. McBrearty said. The behaviors were gradually assembled as a package
    and exported, "which is why it appears suddenly in Europe 40,000 years
    ago," she said.

    Dr. Klein said in an interview that he doubted some of the early dates
    proposed by Dr. McBrearty and Dr. Brooks, and that even if the dates were
    correct, modern behaviors conferred such an advantage that they should
    appear in a broad pattern, not just at the handful of places cited by his
    critics. To understand what happened in the past, it is necessary to look
    for patterns and ignore the "noise," he said.

    The synthesis of archaeology with population genetics may provide a basis
    into which a third discipline can join, that of historical linguistics.
    Most linguists insist that languages change so rapidly that their roots
    cannot reliably be traced further back than 5,000 years. Only a few, like
    Dr. Joseph Greenberg of Stanford, believe that some elements of language
    remain constant, enough to reconstruct all the world's languages into
    just 14 superfamilies of a much great antiquity.

    The signature of these ancient superfamilies can be seen in the
    geographic distribution of languages, Dr. Renfrew said. In some areas of
    the world, like the Caucasus, New Guinea and South America, there are
    many language families packed into a small area, which he called a mosaic
    zone. In other areas, a single language family covers a broad area or
    spread zone. The Indo-European languages, which stretch from Europe to
    India, are one such example. Another is Afro-Asiatic, the superfamily
    that includes the languages of Ethiopia and Somalia and Semitic languages
    like Arabic and Hebrew.

    The spread zones, Dr. Renfrew said, are mostly the result of recent
    dispersals caused by agricultural inventions. The mosaic zones "may be
    those of the first humans to occupy those areas, at least in Australia
    and America," he said.

    The language spoken by the ancestral human population may never be known,
    though Dr. Greenberg has tried to reconstruct a few words of it. But some
    linguists who study the click languages of southern Africa feel they are
    very ancient. This belief is supported by genetic evidence showing that
    the Khoisan peoples, the principal speakers of click languages, belong to
    the most ancient of all the human lineages, based on mitochondrial DNA.

    Dr. Anthony Traill, a click language expert at the University of the
    Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, said that linguistically the languages
    fell into three separate groups whose relationship, aside from the
    clicks, was hard to establish. The clicks must be ancient, he said,
    because "the chances of clicks being invented after being lost is zero."
    The only use of clicks outside of Africa is in an Australian aboriginal
    initiation languages in which the clicks are used as meaningless sounds.

    "The idea that clicks were lost from all languages other than Khoisan,"
    Dr. Traill said, "is stimulating, but I don't know what to make of it."

    Of the three disciplines that bear on human origins ‹ historical
    linguistics, population genetics and archaeology ‹ only archaeology has a
    rock-solid method of dating, based on radiocarbon and other kinds of
    radioactive decay.

    But geneticists are now improving their dating methods, even though the
    dates are still very approximate, to the point that they can begin to
    correlate their findings with the archaeologists'. The geneticists' first
    foray into human prehistory was the famous "mitochondrial Eve" article of
    1987 by the late Allan Wilson, showing that when people around the world
    were placed on a family tree constructed from their mitochondrial DNA,
    the tree was rooted in African populations, in an individual who lived
    about 200,000 years ago.

    Though the methodology of the paper was imperfect, its result was
    unchanged after the method had been corrected, and geneticists have
    developed a growing confidence in mitochondrial DNA dates. The
    mitochondrial DNA trees trace back to a single individual, not because
    there was only one Eve ‹ the ancestral human population is thought to
    have contained about 10,000 people ‹ but because the lineages of all the
    other Eves have gone extinct. The process is easy to visualize by
    thinking of an island population with 10 surnames. In each generation,
    some men will have no children or only daughters and their surnames will
    disappear until only one is left; the Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA
    follow the same pattern.

    The first major branch points in the mitochondrial Eve tree have been
    called the daughters of Eve and they fall in a geographic pattern with
    some daughters of Eve being characteristic of Africa, some of Asia and
    the Americas and some of Europe and the Near East.

    Dr. Richards and his colleagues have analyzed the ancestry of the present
    European population by looking within the major daughter of Eve branches
    for subbranches that occur both in Europe and the Near East, from western
    Iran through Turkey and Arabia to Egypt, because the Near East is the
    probable source of most of the ancestral populations that entered Europe.

    The subbranches from each region were then dated by counting the number
    of mutations that had occurred in the mitochondrial DNA sequence from the
    beginning of the subbranch until today. If the subbranch was older in the
    Near East than Europe, it indicated a migration into Europe. By this
    method Dr. Richards's team was able to date the migrations into Europe.
    They also picked up a sizable back-migration from Europe to the Near East.

    The geneticists working on the Y chromosome may eventually be able to
    date migrations with similar precision. The major class of mutation on
    the Y is so rare that the ticks of the mutation clock are too many
    thousands of years apart to be reliably averaged. But a second kind of
    mutation occurs more rapidly and the combination of the two may make a
    reasonable clock.

    Analysis of the Y chromosome has already yielded interesting results. Dr.
    Ariella Oppenheim of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem said she had
    found considerable similarity between Jews and Israeli and Palestinian
    Arabs, as if the Y chromosomes of both groups had been drawn from a
    common population that began to expand 7,800 years ago.

    In the middle ages, the Vikings settled in Greenland but contact with
    their colonies was lost at the beginning of the 15th century. In 1720, by
    which time the Danes had long become Protestants, there arose
    considerable concern that the missing colonists, if they still existed,
    would be Roman Catholics and in need of conversion. An expedition was
    sent to Greenland but found only ruined houses and Eskimos. Did the
    Vikings perish or intermarry? An analysis of Greenlanders' mitochondrial
    DNA shows only genetic signatures typical of the New World, and it
    indicates their unalloyed descent from Eskimos of Alaska. "It looks bad
    for the Vikings," said Dr. Peter Forster of the University of Cambridge,
    a co- author of the study.

    Dr. Douglas Wallace of Emory University, who pioneered the use of
    mitochondrial DNA to analyze human origins, said of the emerging type of
    analysis: "The Y chromosome has a great future. But it is a very new

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