RE: Re:

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2002 - 08:42:25 GMT

  • Next message: Joe Dees: "Re: Abstractism"

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    > Vincent Campbell <> "''" <> RE: Re:Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:40:32 -0000
    ><Do hindus, Monotheists and animists? atheism falls under the definiotion of
    >religion as it cannot to my mind be irrefutably proven, and therefore
    >requires an element of belief.>
    >Nothing can be irrefutably proven. All knowledge is contingent,
    >but_all_religions claim to have, divinely revealed, absolute knowledge. All
    >atheism is, therefore, is the rejection of religions' claims to absolute
    >knowledge. After all the fact tht some religions have one god, some many,
    >some no 'gods' at all, is actually irrelevant, what matters is that they
    >make claims of absolute knowledge and require followers to believe based on
    >faith not evidence.
    >Speaking personally, the balance of evidence against any particular religion
    >being true is massively weighted against. Taking Christianity for instance,
    >you have contradictory doctrines, historically problematic content of
    >religious texts, implausible (or explainable) 'miracles' in the core texts
    >(and lots of faked ones subsequently), evidence of contradictions of
    >practice by believers, evidence of wider behaviour apparently entirely
    >contradictory to supposed following of the faith etc. etc.
    >To quote myself (from this list many times before) rain dances don't make it
    According to Karl Popper, an absolute universal empirical assertion may not be proven to be true, only corroborated by massive evidence, as we cannot look under every rock in the universe, nor can we foreclose the possibility of contrafactual evidence arising in the future; however, absolute universal empirical assertions CAN be proven to be false, either through showing that they are internally logically self-contradictory or by producing an empirical counterexample.
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