Re: Memetic vulnerability: was: Faking It

From: Chris Taylor (
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 14:19:00 BST

  • Next message: Philip Jonkers: "Re: Logic"

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    From: Chris Taylor <>
    Organization: University of Manchester
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    Subject: Re: Memetic vulnerability: was: Faking It
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    > This comes down to the suggestion " that what is within the brain IS reality",
    > and therefor one theory suggests " that we use our memories to see as
    > much as our eyes. Our brain makes it so that we guess much of what we
    > seeing based on experience rather than reproccing everything each time."
    > Another way is to appeal for Solipsism.
    > See List- Archives KVO " Solipsistic View on Memetics ".
    > And the problems starts when our perception invents/ ignores/ rebuilts and
    > distorts events which we all take illusionary for granted !!

    Almost every time I look for [keys, bit of paper, wallet, pen, etc.] I
    come across this - I look at the table, I see the table. I force myself
    to look properly, I find the thing. This is probably more like forcing
    your web browser to refresh a page you know has changed, so you aren't
    presented with the old cached version. The real problem comes when these
    internal representations (which I agree is pretty much all we see of the
    world) are used for prediction without being 'refreshed'.

    Weaving threads again (logic/religion), an old explanation I heard is
    that stuff like that (dissapearance of the thing you just put down a
    minute ago) is due to ghosts/angels playing around...

    Btw thanks for the second good link.

     Chris Taylor ( »people»chris

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