Re: The Demise of a Meme

From: Robin Faichney (
Date: Fri Mar 30 2001 - 11:30:26 BST

  • Next message: Robin Faichney: "Re: Memetic Paradigms"

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    Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 11:30:26 +0100
    Subject: Re: The Demise of a Meme
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    In-Reply-To: <>; from on Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 03:40:49PM +0100
    From: Robin Faichney <>
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    On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 03:40:49PM +0100, Chris Taylor wrote:
    > > If you're actually getting there, not just dreaming of doing so, you
    > > should have something to share with us, shouldn't you?
    > Yeah, eventually, it's just a bit vague at the mo. It requires a fitness
    > definition for a pattern which is entirely context-dependent -
    > essentially if a thing can interact (oh god I'm in the shit when it
    > comes to terminology) with its potential interaction partners more
    > appropriately, or with a wider or 'better' (in the sense of being
    > themselves more important in the overall network) set of partners, it is
    > fitter. This is deliberately generic, because any pattern is potentially
    > valid given the appropriate environment (of other patterns).

    That's quite interesting, but how do you react to this: the main problem
    I see memetics as having, in becoming a science generally, or taking
    the place of psychology in particular, is complexity. Modelling of
    generics, as you describe, could be quite fascinating -- I've often been
    tempted to invest some time in it myself -- but do you understand the
    difficulties of making specific predictions about real non-linear systems?
    It's fairly common just now to assume that quantum computers, when they
    finally become usable, will be capable of absolutely anything, but surely
    a moment's sober reflection would change that attitude. The resources
    required to actually run a program can be quite trivial compared to those
    involved in designed the algorithms and finding and inputting the data.
    I don't think memetic prediction will ever -- and I mean *ever* --
    get within light years of what the hard sciences can do now.

    > > Modern cognitive psychology has a great deal to say about mechanisms
    > > -- in fact, that's about all it says. Have you ever looked into it?
    > > Let me guess...
    > OK so I was a bit vociferous about psychology/psychiatry, but you show
    > me something from either (especially cognitive psychology if you see
    > that as the closest to what I'm on about) that isn't just a story
    > (however convincing) and I'll change my mind.

    Joe offered you a reference on this. I graduated 20 years ago, and have
    done nothing in psych since. However, what I do find interesting is the
    use made of psychologists and psychiatrists by such hard-headed types as
    the police, in criminal investigations. (I watched a TV show on this
    last night.) They seem to think that generally (obviously not always)
    they get their money's worth. Hard science it ain't, but if it works...

    Robin Faichney
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    (CAUTION: contains philosophy, may cause heads to spin)

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