Re: Modes of transmission

From: Wade T. Smith (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 14:33:02 GMT

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    Subject: Re: Modes of transmission
    Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 09:33:02 -0500
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    From: "Wade T. Smith" <>
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    On 01/15/02 08:32, Ray Recchia said this-

    >As I stated earlier I am not labelling memes by their modes of

    I ain't either. I was trying to answer for Joe, probably inaccurately.
    I'll demur to him.

    >the use of language to transmit memes
    >which regardless of whether spoken, signed, written, or typed.

    Staying true to meme-is-behavior-only, the meme itself is this use of
    language, and it is not regardless of whether spoken, signed, written, or
    typed. It _is_ spoken, signed, written, or typed. The success of the meme
    depends absolutely on the skill level of the usage and the presentation
    of this level, because the understanding of the meme depends upon these

    To beat on Robin's door, the meme is the information imparted during
    memetic behavior, measured in success of transmission by comparison of
    behaviors. (?)

    I'm willing to say that exact behavioral replication is impossible, in an
    ideal sense, but that it is the memetic goal to see one's behavior

    If I try phrenologic behaviors in a hospital, I will be laughed at.
    (Well, depending on the hospital....) But if I try it in a newage book
    store, I will sell sessions, and if I write a book, copies of that book.

    I'm trying the meme-is-behavior-only behavior here and now. (A while ago,
    I tried the meme-is-artefact-only behavior.) To be open, I'm more
    invested in the behavior-only stance than I was in the artefact-only
    stance, mostly because I didn't like the staticness of artefacts, and the
    fact that the actual behavior was in a way dismissed in that stance, and
    I didn't know what to do with performance art, among other things....

    But I like thinking of memes as the behavioral products of memetically
    directed cultural activity. So, I'm debating on that side of the podium
    this time.

    But, yes, memes as externally perceptible behaviors, absolutely. Like
    that car that comes forth from the factory, but is not present inside of
    it, memes are delivered. The factory (culture/mind) is the memeplex. The
    meme is its product. Artefacts are echoes of the memetic behavior.

    - Wade

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