RE: Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence

From: Wade T.Smith (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 23:25:33 GMT

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    Subject: RE: Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence
    Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 18:25:33 -0500
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    Hi Lawrence DeBivort -

    >Also, the Peace Corps. And Fulbright and later Pell scholarships.

    Yes. (Of course, I won't mention where they started.... Perhaps things
    are not always stupid?) But, largely, these are not policies of the
    executive of government toward other nations, although the Fulbright
    could be said to be international in statement.

    >Switzerland's Neutrality policy.

    Predicated upon their natural buffer status, and, in fact, responsible
    for the hiding of billions of dollars of criminal monies. Time will tell
    if it's stupid or not.

    (But, as I know, I'm pretty provincial about international stuff, so,
    one, excuse me any naiveté, and two, correct me gently.... We're all ugly
    americans regardless of where we're from until we're not.)

    I know there are efforts to do unstupid things, good, strong efforts, and
    efforts that have produced good and strong effects and results.

    But, these are not _national_ level intrusions, and it is at this level
    that I fail to see non-invasive and colonial or usurpational motives.
    Stupidities, as you will.

    >OK, for good government policy, got a quick one: the establishment of the
    >USAID program (humanitarian and socio/economic development assistance to, at
    >latest count, some 72 countries)

    And may it continue.

    I know I hawk E. O. Wilson with a certain frequency (it's mostly because
    he's such a darling of a man, and rides a bicycle, because he is a bit of
    problem in some areas...), but, his newest book, The Future of Life, sets
    out a stageful of intelligent and compassionate and over-arching policies
    for the survival of this planet and its lifeforms, and, almost _all_ of
    them involve NGO's....

    I think he might think GO's are stupid, too....

    - Wade

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