RE: Darwinism and evolutionary economics

From: John Wilkins (wilkins@wehi.EDU.AU)
Date: Thu Jun 22 2000 - 08:17:40 BST

  • Next message: Chris Lofting: "RE: Darwinism and evolutionary economics"

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    From: John Wilkins <wilkins@wehi.EDU.AU>
    Subject: RE: Darwinism and evolutionary economics
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    On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 16:56:20 +1000 (Chris
    Lofting) wrote:

    >6. Is Social Evolution Lamarckian or Darwinian? Geoffrey M. Hodgson
    >oops. I am facinated with the continued presence of the OR in this
    >dichotomy. This heading suggests we are dealing with a structural issue
    >(oppositions) but if you reflect on the method of analysis and the
    >we actually go past that dichotomy format into a cooperative emphasis.
    >The Darwin/Lamarck frames of reference are more so windows on to a
    >continuum. This continuum reflects what seems to be a fundamental
    >at work, that of reactive/proactive.

    Hodgson argues that cultural evolution is both Lamarckian and Darwinian,
    as does Knudsen. I argue that cultural evolution is only Darwinian, and
    that any apparent Lamarckism reflects a deeper or broader Darwinism, as
    does Vromen. The latter two are working from an explicitly memetic
    foundation. However, Hodgson and I agree that Darwinism and Lamarckism
    are not mutually exclusive (although a certain kind of neo-Darwinism and
    neo-Lamarckism is). I propose that what I call Dawkins' Conjecture is
    true - that any apparently Lamarckian process can be redescribed as a
    Darwinian one, in culture or anywhere else.

    BTW: "OR" can be inclusive, and indeed it is in first-order sentential


    John Wilkins, Head, Graphic Production The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Melbourne, Australia <mailto:wilkins@WEHI.EDU.AU> <> Homo homini aut deus aut lupus - Erasmus of Rotterdam

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