Re: What is "useful"; what is "survival"

From: chuck (
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 13:57:32 BST

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    Vincent Campbell wrote:

    > Isn't that what Chuck is arguing though, that sociobiology offers a simple
    > answer to such questions by evaluating all behaviours in terms of genetic
    > advantage/utility in particular environmental contexts?

    I am not arguing that it is a simple answer; I am arguing that it is as simple
    as basic evolutionary theory -- which in practice is quite complex.

    > My precise point is that things like seppuku can't be simply explained by
    > sociobiology, indeed if at all, other than as an abberation,

    "Abberation"? Have you looked closely at it? Do you understand Japanese society
    at all? I sort of doubt it. I suspect it seems an aberration to you because it
    certainly would be in any western society.

    I don't know a lot about seppuku, but it seems to have something to do with
    saving the reputation. One reason, for example, was to atone for failure to
    carry out duties - which might include losing a battle. There is absolutely
    nothing difficult to understand about it. The fundamental difference between
    many oriental societies and most Western societies is the importance of
    reputation. Because each extended family in the former tend to remain in the
    same geographical space for centuries, reputation is a very valuable commodity
    because it is a highly accurate measure of trustworthiness. Soiling that
    reputation causes terrible consequences for a lot of people, and suicide is a
    way of cleansing the family of the wrongful act. If an individual samurai did
    it, (I am not sure if they had extended families since I think they were
    mercenaries) it was probably because he had lost his most precious commodity,
    his reputation; that is, no one could any longer trust him. That's my guess, but
    knowing what I know generally about the lengths to which honor is defended in
    other societies that depend highly on reputation, I think it's a good bet. In
    any of those societies, a stain against your honor will seriously hamper you the
    rest of your life. It's not so aberrant as the ceremonial elaboration might

    To repeat: understanding the utility of an act is not necessarily simple. I had
    to do a lot of work over several years with how different types of societies
    establish trust. The principle is simple, but the details can be quite complex.

    > mistake or
    > failure, which is no more satisfactory than Marx's dismissal of 'happy'
    > workers as false consciousness.
    > One can consider more curious and subtle cultural variences than suicide,
    > celibacy or human sacrifice, such as the ways one reads different kinds of
    > writing (e.g. left to right versus right to left). How did these apparently
    > arbitrary systems of writing spread over many different countries and
    > languages- where's the greater utility in left to right or right to left?
    > It is in this sense that I think something else is going on, on top of
    > natural selection not independent of it, influencing human behaviour, that
    > requires investigation.
    > Vincent
    > > ----------
    > > From: Wade T.Smith
    > > Reply To:
    > > Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 2:30 pm
    > > To: memetics list
    > > Subject: RE: What is "useful"; what is "survival"
    > >
    > > On 05/24/00 06:49, Vincent Campbell said this-
    > >
    > > >(The point about seppuku, was that this is a ritual behaviour that has
    > > >persisted for many generations explicitly involving suicide- how do you
    > > >explain it?)
    > >
    > > Perhaps with the same breath that explains Clinton's _not_ performing
    > > such a ceremony in the face of precisely a situation in which the
    > > nipponese culture would demand it.
    > >
    > > Which is to say, there is no simple explanation for the strength of a
    > > culture or the directions is allows.
    > >
    > > - Wade
    > >
    > > ===============================================================
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    > > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    > > see:
    > >
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    > see:

    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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