Re: ality

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 04:56:32 GMT

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: Re: ality
    Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 23:56:32 -0500
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    >From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
    >Subject: Re: ality
    >Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 19:22:11 -0500
    >On Sunday, February 17, 2002, at 04:25 , Dace wrote:
    >>The concept of
    >>memory implies that the past is in some way present.
    >I'm still agape at what 'memory' means to you. Of course memories are
    >present- they are neurochemical creations of the brain, part of the
    >process that evolution selected for.
    >At any rate, the concept of 'the past being present' (whatever that
    >means) has nothing to do with it.
    >(What, indeed, does the 'concept' of memory have to do with it, Tina
    >You might have a photo of yourself at age 10. This photo is here in the
    >present. It is not, however, the past, or a concept of the past, or some
    >implication that you are presently ten years old. It is a remembrance,
    >in chemical and paper, from the past, and if carefully maintained, may
    >outlive you into the future. It is an artifact, just as the process of
    >the brain that produces the remembrance of having that photo taken is.
    >Webster's -- memory- noun- the store [artifacts] of things learned and
    >retained from an organism's activity or experience as evidenced by
    >modification of structure or behavior [memes] or by recall and
    >recognition [brain processes].
    >- Wade
    It may be of importance to note that the title of one of Sheldrake's books
    it _The Presence of the Past_, thus present and and past?

    Anyway, in my most recent post I may very well have flubbed a distinction
    between transgenic and knockout mice. Oh the irony. Memory *is* the first
    thing to go. Brush up time I suppose.

    And Keith was saying something about *Aplysia*? Sea hare or slug? Something
    like that.

    In short, researchers are studying the molecular bases of memory, whether
    I've kept up with it or not :-(

    I guess the goal posts could move or the gaps where the morphic wisps go
    could get a little smaller incrementally...

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