Fwd: Olympic Balancing Act Over Symbolic Flag

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Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 12:54:21 GMT

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    February 6, 2002

    Olympic Balancing Act Over Symbolic Flag



    SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 5 ‹ The Super Bowl and Emmy productions gushed
    patriotism after the events of Sept. 11. But today, the United States
    team discovered how complicated even the smallest act of patriotism can
    be at the Olympics, the consummate international sports event.

    The United States Olympic Committee wanted its athletes in the opening
    ceremony on Friday to carry a tattered flag that has become a traveling
    symbol of the terrorist attacks. The International Olympic Committee,
    which oversees the Games, rejected that request, saying it would seem too

    United States and international officials compromised, agreeing that the
    flag from the World Trade Center, signed by relatives of the victims of
    the attacks, will fly in the place reserved for the host country's flag
    on the night of the ceremony. But the daylong debate marked the fine line
    the Olympic organizers are treading as they try to honor the host
    nation's still-fresh pain over the terrorist attacks but prevent any
    appearance of political favoritism or demonstrations of outright jingoism.

    The International Olympic Committee fiercely protects the global spirit
    of its events, billing the Games as a chance for countries at different
    political poles to come together on the same playing field. It calls for
    a cease-fire during each Games, a request denied by the Bush
    administration this year. Committee members envision the opening ceremony
    in particular as a dignified parade, free from commercialism and politics.

    The I.O.C. reasoned that if Americans were allowed to carry the trade
    center flag, athletes from other countries might start asking to carry
    symbols of their own particular national tragedies in this or future

    The creative minds behind the ceremony, too, are sensitive about how
    their production will be perceived by a worldwide audience. The executive
    producer, Don Mischer, remembers being uplifted and mesmerized by the
    extravaganza at the start of the 1984 Summer Games in Los Angeles. Years
    later, he met one I.O.C. official who referred to the Los Angeles Games
    as "second only to Hitler's Games in '36" for jingoism.

    "Everyone sees things differently," Mischer said Monday at a rehearsal
    for the opening ceremony. "We have to be concerned about not focusing too
    much on America. We have to emphasize the rest of the world. The world
    expects an international event."

    Other Olympics in this country have been criticized for American
    boosterism. The political climate stoked that then as now. During the
    1980 Winter Games in Lake Placid, N.Y., and the 1984 Summer Games, the
    cold war provided a backdrop.

    Announcers for ABC Sports were accused of going overboard, as when Jim
    McKay proclaimed, "We are a great people," at the close of the Lake
    Placid Games, taking in the afterglow of the American hockey team's upset
    of the Soviet Union in a game labeled the Miracle on Ice.

    The rowdy chants of "U.S.A.!" rang out again as the United States
    dominated the 1984 Games, which were boycotted by many Eastern bloc
    countries in response to the American-led boycott of the 1980 Moscow
    Games. Upset over the ubiquitous overtones of red, white and blue in
    1984, the I.O.C. president, Juan Antonio Samaranch, protested ABC's
    coverage of the Olympics.

    While the cold war is over, the war on terrorism has put the United
    States in a patriotic mood once again. Gov. Mike Leavitt of Utah reacted
    to the Sept. 11 attacks by referring to the Olympics as a chance to "host
    an event where the world can come together and heal."

    I.O.C. officials recognize that, too.

    "The world at large, as in America, felt that holding the Games in Salt
    Lake City ‹ and successful Games ‹ is a fundamental answer to violence
    and terrorism," said François Carrard, director general of the
    International Olympic Committee. "The tragedy has created a special
    sense, a feeling all over the world. We also feel it."

    The war and its accompanying emotions lend themselves to such
    introspection. It is a difficult balance to strike, but instead of
    spotlighting an American tragedy, the Olympic organizers are mindful
    against wrapping the opening ceremony in American colors when there will
    be almost 3,000 athletes from all nations and various political
    backgrounds inside Rice-Eccles Stadium on Friday.

    There is talk of having the 1980 men's Olympic hockey team light the

    In a nod to balance, perhaps, there is also talk of as assist from a
    Russian member of the team the United States so memorably defeated in the
    semifinals that year.

    The theme of the opening ceremony will be "Light the Fire Within." The
    slogan is everywhere, from the stadium facade to the street banners.

    "We wanted to celebrate the power to inspire," said Scott Givens,
    creative director for the opening ceremony. "That message is the Olympic
    story. At the core, the Olympics inspires us and allows us to believe."

    Close to 3,500 cast members will convey this theme over the two-hour
    production. Ninety-eight percent of the cast is from Utah, but the
    opening ceremony will not only include local entertainment like that from
    from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, but will also feature international
    recording artists like Sting.

    The audience will also participate, using flashlights to illuminate the
    backdrop for a show that organizers say will be about unity. Some opening
    ceremonies in past Olympics have been budget-busting, but Salt Lake
    officials say a premium has been put on taste, not garishness.

    Mike Moran, chief spokesman for the United States Olympic Committee, said
    the athletes themselves thought of having four teammates stretch the
    trade center flag wide at the rear of the marching delegation. The flag,
    which has traveled to Kandahar and to the World Series, was most recently
    displayed at the Super Bowl in New Orleans.

    "They felt the U.S. team should say something," Moran said. Individual
    athletes, he said, may be planning their own tributes. Tristan Gale, who
    competes in skeleton, dyed her ringlets red, white and blue.

    To those behind the scenes of the opening ceremony, however, there is no
    need to turn the event into melodrama.

    "There are few small things to address Sept. 11, but first and foremost
    this is a worldwide event," Mischer said. "The main show has not changed,
    but I think the attitudes of those who will see it have changed. I think
    people will naturally feel more emotional about what they see in the
    opening ceremony.

    "I think now something as simple as raising a flag or seeing the athletes
    come into the stadium together will have more meaning than ever before."

    Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company

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