Re: Selfish memes ?

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 02:46:40 GMT

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    > "Grant Callaghan" <> Re: Selfish memes ?Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 17:20:20 -0800
    >>Subject: Re: Selfish memes ?
    >>Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:09:15 -0500
    >>On Monday, February 4, 2002, at 10:33 , Kenneth Van Oost wrote:
    >>>Why can 't altruistic behavior in the extreme not be a case of
    >>>selfishness !?
    >>Society itself is a dance around this- the cultural environment is, like
    >>that village we all done heard tell about a few years ago, what raises
    >>the child, after all. Sacrifices to that environment are beneficial
    >>(they can be...) to that environment, and thus, ones genes are given a
    >>further chance to keep going.
    >>Strong sociocultural units are survival mechanisms, and always have been.
    >>Like ants, however, such 'selfishness' as this sort of altruism is,
    >>needs obeisance and dependence.
    >>- Wade
    >Are you implying that the soldiers who seemed so eager to go to Afghanistan
    >to fight the Al Quaeda and the Taliban and perhaps lose their lives in the
    >process did so out of obeisance and dependence?
    Yes, to what their mullahs told them was the will of Allah. The term 'Islam' may be translated as 'Submission'.
    >Or perhaps the players in
    >the Superbowl suffered the years of broken bones and strained muscles and
    >other forms of deprivation for those reasons rather than the hope of finding
    >glory? Now I'm beginning to feel disillusioned. ;-(>
    Howzabout making money (bonus clauses) and the respect of their peers?
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