RE: Modes of transmission

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Fri Jan 18 2002 - 08:58:51 GMT

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    Subject: RE: Modes of transmission
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    >Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 02:44:17 -0500
    > Ray Recchia <> RE: Modes of transmissionReply-To:
    >At 05:11 PM 1/16/2002 -0800, you wrote:
    >I wrote
    >> >
    >> >After a bit of reflection but I would suggest the following categories.
    >> >
    >> >Linguistic -
    >> > Immediate
    >> > Spoken language
    >> > Sign language
    >> > Recorded
    >> > Written
    >> > Recorded -
    >> >Non-linguistic
    >> > Behavior
    >> > Non-directed (the pure imitation category)
    >> > Descriptive (non-linguistic demonstration)
    >> > Artifact
    >> > primary - (where an artifact's existence transmits the
    >> >meme for its own creation)
    >> > secondary - (where an artifact conveys transmits a meme
    >> >for something other than its own creation)
    >> >
    >> >There must be some field of academic study that has done this sort of
    >> >categorization before though.
    >> >
    >> >
    >You responded
    >>The difference between spoken and sign language is how they are
    >>transmitted and received; i.e. through auditory and visual
    >>production/reception. This being the case, if both are mentioned, then
    >>braille should be given a transmission method category separate from
    >>print, as it is read by touch, not sight.
    >>However, I do not think that such is necessary; I see linguistic dynamic
    >>as a single transmission method category, and linguistic frozen as another
    >>single transmission method category. These categories may then be
    >>subdivided into perceptual modes.
    >Ok. Then let's amend the outline.
    >Amended Modes of memetic transmission outline (amendments in single quotes)
    >Linguistic -
    > 'Dynamic'
    > Spoken language
    > Sign language
    > 'Frozen'
    > Written
    > Recorded
    > 'spoken' (ie. recordings of spoken
    > 'signed' (ie. recordings of signed
    > 'Braille'
    > Behavior
    > Non-directed (the pure imitation category)
    > Descriptive (non-linguistic demonstration)
    > Artifact
    > primary - (where an artifact's existence
    > the meme for its own creation)
    > secondary - (where an artifact conveys transmits
    > a meme for something
    >other than its
    > own creation)
    >A movie then would usually be a combination of primary non-linguistic
    >(where a director or producer observes the movie and makes one like it),
    >secondary non-linguistical artifact (for example someone making a dress
    >like one someone in the movie wore, or imitates the non-linguistic recorded
    >behaviors of the actors), frozen written (signs or other written
    >information in the movie), frozen recorded signed (where the characters
    >speak their lines).
    Yes, these days the iconic (images), indexical (pointings) and symbolic (linguistic-type terms) vare found more often employed together than alone. We live in a multimedia, multimethod, multimode world.
    >Ray Recchia
    >This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    >Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
    >For information about the journal and the list (e.g. unsubscribing)

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    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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