RE: Why memeoids?

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 02:55:38 GMT

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: RE: Why memeoids?
    Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 21:55:38 -0500
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    >From: "Wade T. Smith" <>
    >To: "Memetics Discussion List" <>
    >Subject: RE: Why memeoids?
    >Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 20:24:44 -0500
    >Hi Lawrence DeBivort -
    > >Re. your smallpox question: I can't imagine such a scenario, and would
    > >terrible if anyone were to recommend this.
    >It's mostly your run-of-the-mill genocide-solves-the-problem solution.
    >Nations, and peoples, have seen it, and done it, before. It has never
    >been a solution offered with any seriousness by any free state. But it is
    >a solution we need to look at as possibly coming from outside of freedom.
    > >do believe that there is
    > >much we can do -- even now -- to improve significantly US relations with
    > >other peoples.
    >Let us not ask what others can do with us, but what we can do with
    >others? It still takes two to make a successful relationship, or at least
    >two committed to working on it. There's much needed to do to remove the
    >sources of the fostering of hatreds, on both sides, as well as the climes
    >of such sources.
    >Parochialism of all stripes needs to be eradicated. And that, and its
    >handmaiden, tribalism, have been at the beck and call of humanity all
    >along. And they appear far from vestigial.
    >Tall orders, anyway, all this world peace stuff.
    Especially if appeasement of the "other" involves getting rid of the things
    they despise about us, such as our secularist notions of government and law.
    They would probably dislike us less if we were a theocracy (ie- people of
    the book...the law stemming from that book) and an Islamic theocracy at
    that. Rabid anti-Semitism might get us more brownie points.

    OTOH might Turkey be a possible model state for secular government
    juxtaposed with Islamic beliefs of the general populace?

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