Re: Christianity Redux?

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Tue 26 Apr 2005 - 23:14:24 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Chase: "Re: Christianity Redux?"

    --- Kate Distin <> wrote:

    > Chris Taylor wrote:
    > > I'd suggest that the persistence of many cultural
    > thingies in the US is
    > > as a result of the slower pace of cultural
    > evolution for the exact same
    > > reasons that genetic evolution occurs more slowly
    > (on average) in large
    > > interbreeding populations. Inertia essentially;
    > cf. the persistence of
    > > words like 'gotten', which have died out in
    > British English -- a much
    > > smaller population in which stochastic effects are
    > more pronounced and
    > > change more straightforward.
    > This is a really interesting explanation for this
    > sort of example. Does
    > it hold beyond particular words like "gotten"? I
    > know there are lots
    > more like this, which we in the UK think of as US
    > imports but actually
    > originated over here. But is this a principle that
    > can be extended over
    > "bigger" meme pools like the US? I'd be interested
    > to hear more about it.
    Spoken like true Brits :-) Has your former colony Jamaica had any linguistic impact on the British Isles? If you were to actually visit different places in the US you will notice some serious linguistic diversity (OK I'm speaking from the "armchair"). The Yankees in "wicked awesome" Beantown and the Big Apple speak differently than those with the chronic Minneapolis cold twang in the Midwest. The South, of course has its variations. Maybe there are some serious commonalities we shaare on this side of the pond that separates us from you blokes over their, but I bloody well know that Hispanic and African-American cultures have had serious linguistic impacts on at least some regional pockets and more recent generations of the US.

    Have Indians and Pakistanis had any impact on British spoken word? Indians must at least had some impact on British cuisine as they have on Jamaican cuisine

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