Re: Knowledge, Memes and Sensory Perception

From: Philip Jonkers (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 06:52:29 GMT

  • Next message: Wade T. Smith: "Re: Knowledge, Memes and Sensory Perception"

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    Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 01:52:29 -0500
    From: "Philip Jonkers" <>
    Subject: Re: Knowledge, Memes and Sensory Perception
    Precedence: bulk

    >Now *why* people can be infected with memes that do
    them and their genes a
    >great deal of damage, *that* an interesting topic.
    It happens to be one I
    >spent a good number of years trying to understand.
    >Sex, Drugs and Cults
    >---An Evolutionary Psychology Perspective On Why and
    How Cult Memes Get A
    >Drug-Like Hold On People
    >"Cult memes hijack two evolved psychological
    mechanisms. One is
    >capture-bonding, also known as the Stockholm
    Syndrome. Capture-bonding
    >evolved as a survival mechanism for individuals
    captured between
    >tribes. It lies behind social phenomena as diverse
    as army basic training
    >and spouse abuse. Cults evoke capture-bonding
    mechanisms for both
    >obtaining and retaining members. (Examples, EST
    lockup meetings, Moonies
    >isolation recruitment, Scientology RPF.)
    >"The other and more important psychological mechanism
    is attention
    >rewards. Cult (memes) take advantage of this
    reproductive success related
    >reward pathway by focusing attention on members (love
    bombing, auditing and
    >attention intensive "training routines.") Attention
    is used by social
    >primates to measure social status, a matter of major
    >particularly for males in determining reproductive
    success. Attention
    >activates the major brain reward pathway by causing
    the release of
    >endorphins and dopamine. This is the same reward
    pathway hijacked by
    >addictive drugs.
    >"Evolutionary psychology is invoked to analyze both
    of these mechanisms."

    Wow... the latter mechanism sounds pretty familiar.
    However, I do not understand precisely what you mean
    by `capture bonding'. Do you
    mean potential cult-members voluntarily let themselves
    lock up in isolation for a while and, thankful as they
    are, upon release decide to stick around.
    Could you provide some references on that,
    preferrably internet-sites? I'm very interested...


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