RE: Primate Rights

From: Wade T.Smith (
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 16:31:40 BST

  • Next message: Mark M. Mills: "RE: Jabbering !"

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    Subject: RE: Primate Rights
    Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 11:31:40 -0400
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    From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
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    On 05/31/00 11:17, Lawrence H. de Bivort said this-

    >unfamiliar with studies indicating that grammar is absent in the wild. Any
    >citations at hand?

    Grammar is tricky and anthropocentric perhaps- what we know may be a
    side-effect of something else. Anyway, the best person I'm aware of, and
    I'm not just localizing this praise, is Marc Hauser, who has published
    several works.

    Here is a list of his present studies-

    Current research:

    1996- : Collaborative project with Dr. R. Wrangham (Harvard) on
    intercommunity aggression and vocal communication in chimpanzees of the
    Kibale Forest, Uganda.

    1995- : Collaborative projects with Drs. S. Carey (NYU) and E. Spelke
    (MIT) on the origins of numerical competence and the object concept in
    human infants and nonhuman primates.

    1994- : Collaborative projects with Dr. M. Tramo (Harvard Medical School)
    on the neurophysiological basis of auditory categorization in rhesus

    1993-1995 : Collaborative project with Dr. F. Bercovitch (University of
    Puerto Rico) on the acoustic and physiological correlates of vocal
    signaling in rhesus monkeys.

    1992- : Experiments on knowledge acquisition and concept formation in
    captive cotton-top tamarins (Harvard University).

    1991-1994 : Psychophysical experiments on the perceptual abilities of
    rhesus macaques (e.g., hemispheric lateralization of species-specific
    signals, categorical perception); collaborative project with Drs. W.
    Stebbins and D. Moody (University of Michigan).

    1990-1993 : Field experiments with rhesus macaques on deception in the
    context of food and sex; location: Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico.

    1988- : Long-term project on the mechanisms underlying vocal production
    and perception in rhesus macaques; research is being ocnducted on Cayo
    Santiago and in Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico.

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    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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