RE: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener

From: Bruce Jones (
Date: Thu May 11 2000 - 16:38:31 BST

  • Next message: Richard Brodie: "RE: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener"

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    From: Bruce  Jones <>
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    Subject: RE: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener
    Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 10:38:31 -0500
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    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Chuck Palson []
    > Subject: Re: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener
    > Yes, the "only" difference is the context of the words. But that "only" is
    > huge.
            The ONLY I see is this .....
            With propaganda you get absolutes ... "All people over 6' tall are
    bad and therefore must be shortened!"

            With PR you get ... "Being over 6' is not a problem with our new
    and improved quick shortening device approved by the office of Height
    Control. End those irritating height related problems, receive our new
    patented "Altitude Away" device and join the crowd."
            In the one there is an all or nothing attitude promoted by an agency
    of some kind. Either a radical extreme or a government sponsored edict. In
    the other the choice is yours but to be "normal" you really should do
    something about it.
            In either case the idea is if you are over 6' you are not normal and
    you need to change.

            With Ross the problem was not with his ability to get his message
    across ... it was his persona of being an absolute. "My way or the
    highway." What he was not -- was political.


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