Re: Three Scientists and Their Gods

From: Grant Callaghan (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2002 - 03:21:42 GMT

  • Next message: Dace: "Re: A Confusing Example"

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    From: "Grant Callaghan" <>
    Subject: Re: Three Scientists and Their Gods
    Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:21:42 -0800
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    >>A computer virus is nothing but a computer program, albeit somewhat pushy
    >>and malevolent. Therefore, in principle you should extend the distinction
    >>memes from computer programs, which is not correct I think as computer
    >>programs also feature all the properties of memes. Moreover, computer
    >>have a high longevity, vary easily and can be terribly fecund and
    >>easily transmittable (by internet, discs, etc...). A typical example of a
    >>potentially very
    >>successful meme I would say.
    >Your point is correct. Of course you could consider all programs as
    >memes. But while it is common to be singing some popular song, hardly
    >anyone is chanting the code from the computer virus someone sent you last
    >week. :-)
    >Keith Henson
    It's my computer that does the chanting as it merrily works away destroying
    my files. As to computer programs having a high longevity, I have thousands
    of them on disks that my computer can no longer read and that I have no wish
    to use again anyway. The course of evolution governed by Micorsoft and
    Intel have made old programs unintelligible to any but old computers. I
    figure the life of a program is about three to five years, if it's popular.
    Windows 2000 may resemble Windows 3 in some ways, but it is not the same
    program. It's a different species. It can't have intercourse with old


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