Re: state of memes

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 05:19:25 BST

  • Next message: Joachim Maier: "Re: state of memes"

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: Re: state of memes
    Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 00:19:25 -0400
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    >From: "Dace" <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: Re: state of memes
    >And then the US withdraws gracefully from the Middle East, right? I'm
    >afraid not. Hussein was demanding Arab self-determination. That means the
    >US stops pouring money into Israel and propping it up as a regional
    >superpower. It means we don't buy off Egypt as a potential counterbalance.
    >It means we're not supporting fanatical theocracies that happen to provide
    >us with plenty of oil, like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. It means backing off
    >and allowing the Arab world to constitute itself and sell its goods as it
    >sees fit. Of course, Hussein hoped to dominate this process himself. But
    >even if he'd succeeded it would have been an improvement.
    Somebody who gassed Kurds and Iranians would be an improvement?

    What was bin Laden's opinion about Hussein's sacking of Kuwait? Would he
    have committed mujahideen fighters fresh from victory over Soviets in
    Afghanistan in a jihad against the butcher of Baghdad to protect King Fahd
    and Saudi Arabia (see Yossef Bodansky's _Bin Laden_, 1999, Forum,Rocklin,
    California, p. 29) and if so would he and his forces have suffered the same
    fate as Iranians and Kurds did before?
    >And there's no obligation for the Palestinians to negotiate with the
    >Israelis. But then the Palestinians don't have cluster bombs and laser
    >guided missiles, do they?
    C-4 and SEMTEX would work just fine. In the hands of brainwashed extremists,
    these are very dangerous.

    Care to explain who HAMAS and HizbAllah are? Nice people one would invite
    over for tea?


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