An Individualistic Step

From: Kenneth Van Oost (
Date: Wed 13 Nov 2002 - 21:47:33 GMT

  • Next message: Kenneth Van Oost: "Fw: An Individualistic Step"

    This is part 3

    People, in a very early stage of their development were able to intervene,
    (on an instinctive level) in their own livingconditions, so that antropogenetic changes were due, like groupselection is one. But initial those changes were individualistic. ( Everyone was ' solitair ' ) One of the reasons why the brains of the early hominids stayed so small is that " individuality " doesn 't need organisation. In the beginning there was only power and adaptation, instinctive responses as you wish. There was no reflective knowledge needed to understand that the/ a stronger one had all of the food ! As natural selection stipulates_ all what was needed for the organisms to survive was a certain ability to stay alive and to procreate.
      And according to Goulds proposal, the only way not to die of hunger was to move away in search of food. And those early emigrations were not con- ducted by groups, but by ' solitary ' hominids intervening with their own con- ditions. Those conditions were/ are extrememly dependent of, what can be presumed, the pre- formed diversity between ( groups of) people. Human history ( according to William Mc Neil [ 1986/ 2001] ) is strongly determinated by mutual contact and communication.

    Each contact forces us to a reaction. One of the answers by which people respond to undesirable contact is fleeing into isolation. What Mc Neil formulates as ' figuration ' can stand for what may have happe- ned in those early years of our existence:- the mutual relationships between parts [ individuals ] work to such an extent upon the characteristics of the parts that those characteristics became inclosed in the part itself. How deep such a mentality and even the motions of the parts has been determinated can be read in Alexander Rüstow Ursprung der Herrshaft 1950. Only when in a later stage of their development cooperation was needed, early hominids began to from groups. From there on brainsize co- evolved.

    The find of yet another small skull near Dmanisi can thus be explained by the fact that those hominids were separate individuals, maybe on the blink to move into clusters, but nevertheless they didn 't needed a big brain. In search of food, maybe scaveging the plains, stalking herds, hungry individuals headed north. Their primary instinct of survival moved them away from other individuals of their own species, or like the suggestion of Gould implies also_ that other kinds of hominids than Homo Sapiens trigged certain amounts of development whereby ' we ' were in an environmental disadvantage.
      What its all about, is the fact that as well human as ape- like characteris- tics emerged and disappeared again due as a reaction upon new and chan- ging environmental conditions. That one being had one or more human- like characteristics, isn 't enough to entitle him as the missing link in our ancestory, moreover to give him the credit to be a born team player. If the distinguished characteristics between humans and ape- like beings evolved independable from eachother, not once but several times, than IMO the individualistic view can bear fruit.
      Early, individualistic humans didn 't live long due to, 1_ their smaller brain size ( advanced survival skills were missing) and 2_ because of the facts written above, they were probably more pray than predator. (Maybe one reason why don 't find many fossils outside Africa.) Modern humans are the product of different beings with mixed qualities, who in one way or another still not defined manner, contributed to the whole of the picture. Our environmental context changed and the only way to stay alive was to intervene with our own livingconditions. And in a sense, moving out was the only way up.

    Our history holds the same way within of the over- reacted specialisation which just one- celluar beings and later multiple celluar organisms has follo- wed over the eons. The human ' need ' to forms groups was not a string which was there just for the taking ! Groupselection, [ according to Freud] is just one disposition_ there is only one enclosed causality:- is there one thing, how insignificant, how unex- plainable it might be, where we can call upon what has happened outside the framework of world history !? No, therefor each and everyone is a symptom which points towards the working of other (f )actors. Like the latest find of a human- like skull ( in Chad 2002) indicates_ cha- racteristics were not simply due to an ( lineair) evolutionary- process.
    " Features and other characteristics don 't simply evolve, but come and go. "

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