Re: Social facts and snowball effect

From: Chris Taylor (
Date: Tue 11 Apr 2006 - 16:12:20 GMT

  • Next message: Douglas Brooker: "Re: Social facts and snowball effect"

    So living a (teeny tiny) bit like the Innuit (i.e. surrounded by snow a lot) drives you to expand your snow-related vocab...

    Does mental swamping by an aspect of life always predispose us to subdivide? In this case I suppose long exposure makes for greater opportunities to observe and subclassify, and a more prolonged favourable environment for such words to demonstrate their fitness. I know what you mean by powdery snow and may even have used the phrase, but I'm not sure I have an equivalent to packing snow...

    Cities make people eh...

    Cheers, Chris.

    Douglas Brooker wrote:
    > Keith Henson wrote:
    >> At 04:51 AM 4/11/2006 +0200, you wrote:
    >>> A ball of snow rolling down hill and picking up more and more snow is
    >>> not different from a typical avalanche.
    >> Actually, I think it is. It takes rather special conditions where the
    >> snow is close to the melting point to result in this kind of "pick up
    >> more snow as it rolls" behavior. I can think of only a few times I
    >> have seen it.
    > in Canada as kids we'd call it 'packing snow', i.e. it made good snow
    > balls. other snow is dusty and dry, the stuff of snow drifts, perhaps
    > a competing model.
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