reply to nurturing young Islamic hearts and hatreds

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 02:39:22 BST

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: reply to nurturing young Islamic hearts and hatreds
    Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 21:39:22 -0400
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    Well Wade you're helping topple my tolerant views of Islam and of religion
    in general. I struggle to be open minded with Islam. The recent onslaught of
    fear about biological terrorism strains my open mindedness.

    Is Islam truly a peaceful religion at heart,twisted by the fundies into a
    perverted pletora of calls for global jihad and fatwas against those whom
    profane Islam by their presence (and perhaps very existence when one
    considers Islamic fundie views on Israelis, secular or otherwise)? Is
    bloodthirst something which stems from the heart of Islam or just from
    twisted minds which would figure a way of rationalizing their hatred via
    Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or Hinduism if those were the religions
    under which they grew up?

    In the piece which Wade posted something was said to the effect that the
    Koran forbids the killing of women. Well enough, but how does this integrate
    with the horrid concept of "honor crime" or "honor killing"? Even if the
    killing of women is forbidden, what position do they have in an Islamic
    society? Can one generalize from the limited (but presently powerful)
    instance of the Taliban?

    Would Benazir Bhutto carry any clout with the current crop of fundies over
    there in the crowds of Afghans and Pakistanis? Well at least Pakistan *did*
    have a female prime minister, which is more than can be said for my country,
    I suppose. Maybe its not religion, but patriarchy which is to blame in this

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