RE: evolution of spam

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 12:58:07 BST

  • Next message: Bill Spight: "Re: evolution of spam"

    Received: by id QAA20018 (8.6.9/5.3[ref] for from; Mon, 30 Jul 2001 16:01:10 +0100
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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
    To: "''" <>
    Subject: RE: evolution of spam
    Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 12:58:07 +0100
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    Hi Scott,

    Look out for junk text messaging, if you have a mobile phone...

    (The Monty Python sketch is pro-Spam).

    There are tecchie ways of dealing with web spam I believe, but I don't know
    them. For everyday junk mail, it's a tedious process of contacting the
    companies sending the stuff, or telling them when they cold call you, to
    remove your name form their database, which I believe in the US and in the
    UK they are then legally obliged to do. Then if they still send you stuff
    you can sue them for... well something. One of the problems is there are
    companies that specialise in databases of info about people that they then
    sell to other companies, so really you'd need to find these people and tell
    them to take you off their list, then that should cut out lots of junk mail,
    and cold calling, and junk e-mail etc. etc. all in one go. Ooh, I've got
    it, you ask the junk company where they got your name/address etc. (I
    believe they're supposed to tell you), and that should get you to the
    database company pdq.

    In the political context the jury's out on the effectiveness of political
    advertising. Few people really believe today that they have a significant
    influence on voting behaviour, but attitudinal and awareness impacts may be
    affected. Evidence suggests, that over an election campaign voters may be
    more able to identify candidates and some of their policies. But
    significant proportions of people still persistently misremember info from
    such ads, and misunderstanding is a problem. I bet there were people who
    thought the notorious 'Rats' ad was pro-Democrat, for example, this just


    > ----------
    > From: Scott Chase
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 5:50 am
    > To:
    > Subject: evolution of spam
    > I don't like spam! Isn't that from some Monty Python sketch? Everyday I
    > delete garbage from my e-mail account that I can immediately tell from the
    > sender addy and subject line alone is useless debris which has floated in
    > on
    > the latest tide. Another source of continual annoyance is the pop-up ads
    > that clutter my screen while I'm trying to access some webpage which I
    > *chose* to view. Is this "viral marketing" gone mad? There are ways of
    > curtailing spam or junk-email. How does one cordon oneself off from these
    > annoying pop-ups?
    > Who responds to this garbage? Do those reponsible for the junk mail and
    > pop-up advertising which detracts from my day actually think I'm going to
    > contribute to their cause? They have annoyed me. Annoyed people do not
    > become customers. Jehovah witnesses knocking at my front door are less of
    > a
    > nuisance. At least I can let them know face to face if they have perturbed
    > me. These junk bulk e-mailers and pop-up ad slingers are in the same
    > annoying category as those infomercial folks who subtly take over for
    > regular programming while I sleep with the TV on? At least I could devise
    > a
    > means of controlling the access of TV infomercial slingers to my time. I
    > could turn the TV off before I sleep or I could leave it on a channel
    > which
    > doesn't have such mind-numbing bilge or I could even program my box to
    > change the channel at a given time if I were so inclined. BTW, how
    > "informational" are "info"-mercials?
    > Hopefully this rant gets through to some of you "viral"
    > marketing/advertising types so that you realize that some of us you are
    > trying to reach are not brain-dead enough to actually buy into your
    > garbage.
    > We are very annoyed though. I suppose this qualifies as being
    > "innoculated"
    > or "immune" or something like that.
    > _________________________________________________________________
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