Q to douglas wilson

From: Tom Potocki (tomaszjanpotocki@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 03:21:49 BST

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    From: Tom Potocki <tomaszjanpotocki@yahoo.com>
    Subject: Q to douglas wilson
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    "Douglas P. Wilson" <dp-wilson@shaw.ca>
    posted the following:

    "I have a little computer program that randomly
    replaces a few real
    words in
    a text file with morphologically-opaque non-words,
    word-like sequences
    letters that are not in English or any other (common)
    language. These
    non-words are often easily understood from context
    alone, and "feel"
    part of one's recognition vocabulary, although they
    certainly are not."

    Hello Douglas--

    thats very interesting. Do you know -- have you done
    such a study -- What is the maximum percentage of
    "real words" in a text that can be substituted with
    "fake words" before not only the fake words, but the
    whole text stops making sense? ("Blah bing zang glook
    malooff cluck" is an English sentence in which 100% of
    the words were substituted with meaningless jibberish.
     neither it nor the sentence can be understood. so
    there seems to be a limit here).

    many thanks
    tom potocki

    (I have no quote from clausevitz) ;-)

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