RE: Cons and Facades

From: Aaron Lynch (
Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 15:28:33 BST

  • Next message: Lawrence H. de Bivort: "RE: Cons and Facades"

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    Subject: RE: Cons and Facades
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    At 03:16 PM 6/16/00 -0400, Wade T.Smith wrote:
    >Joseph 1 made this comment not too long ago --
    > >But it's only because of a possible misunderstanding, rather than
    > >anything inherent in memetics per se.
    >This possible misunderstanding could, as Aaron (I think) is vigorously
    >attempting to avoid, lead the general scientific community from taking
    >memetics seriously.
    >Right now, memetics does have, IMHO, a Barnum-like atmosphere, with a few
    >untrepidatious visitors to the booths who are hoping to see what really
    >happens behind the curtain.
    >The main problem being, science has no curtains.
    >- Wade


    I think that many "street smart" outsiders, along with long-time
    memeticists who have taken a hard look beneath the surface of things can
    see the Barnum-like atmosphere most clearly. The question is not so much
    whether it exists, but why, and what can be done about it.

    Still another possible cause is that all the attention memetics pays to
    competitive idea transmission can lead high rates of devious methods of
    self-promotion and of deflecting attention from colleagues. Some may even
    conclude that devious self-promotion and deflecting attention from
    colleagues are the memetically brilliant things to do. Yet I don't think
    those who have reached such conclusions have always been careful about what
    they wished for: there are works available but often deflected from view
    that would have effectively defended memetics from such critics as Gould,
    Pinker, Orr, Gardner, and others. And many skeptical, critical scientists
    react poorly when they sense devious self-promotion. Street smart and
    sophisticated non-scientists can have similar reactions.

    Those who have invested their efforts in honest work honestly promoted have
    a natural self-interest in opposing the spread of devious self-promotions
    and devious attention deflections, while those who have invested their
    efforts more directly in self-promotion and devious self-promotion have a
    natural interest in maintaining acceptance and camouflage for those ways. I
    would also argue that an enlightened self-interest on the part of most
    people involved in memetics favors an elimination of the Barnum-like
    atmosphere and its causes, for reasons relating to how seriously memetics
    is taken. The image memetics has in the broader scientific community also
    depends to a great degree on how effectively the Method in our field
    winnows out the false. That, in turn, also depends upon how effectively
    cons and facades are rejected.

    The more specific ideas of Machiavellian memes, Machiavellian intelligence,
    and adversative propagation be seen as suggesting that devious
    self-promotion and attention deflection are simply the brilliant things to
    do. Here again, the problem is that consequences are not viewed in a long
    enough term to see how the scientific community will react when expected
    work is deflected from view and devious methods become palpable. The
    relative lack or absence of curtains in science causes more problems for
    Machiavellian or adversative methods in science than in, say, business,
    politics, and personal affairs. Making matters worse is that early moves
    toward Machiavellian and adversative self-promotion may have created an
    environment in which newcomers seeking to establish their careers may feel
    a competitive pressure to be as Machiavellian or adversative those who went
    before. Certain cons and facades have apparently been indeed imitated in
    recent years, which gives critics even more ability to characterize our
    entire field as a sham.

    One might point to the history of Darwin and Wallace as "proof" that
    Machiavellianism prevails, but that would be a mistake. Darwin was able to
    make a case for delaying Wallace's paper based on the fact that Darwin had
    done far more work and had produced a much more developed theoretical
    framework. Both in the judgement of contemporaries and of history, it was
    the greater work and achievement of Darwin that most argued for giving the
    preponderance of credit to Darwin instead of Wallace. Darwin was able to
    make a good case for giving credit where credit was due, rather than dumbly
    following a program of conferring credit based on priority of arrival to
    the printed page. If Wallace had arrived in the late 1850s with a more
    developed theoretical framework backed by extensive observations--enough to
    fill a book, for instance--we would probably have been referring to
    Wallacian evolution rather than Dawinian evolution today. Still,
    misconstruing the principles being invoked in Darwin's time as little more
    than Machiavellian self-promotion of one work over an equivalent rival work
    can lead some to take simplistically Machiavellian approaches today. Once
    again, that can produce cons, facades, and the resulting Barnum-like
    atmosphere that harm the propagation of memetic ideas and the process
    (Method) of memetics research.

    Regarding self-helpishness (or indeed selfish-helpishness), I should point
    out that I became more explicitly self-helpish in "The Millennium Thought
    Contagion," which was published in the November/December 1999 Skeptical
    Inquirer. That article offered advice about how people could think
    skeptically, critically, and scientifically about those terrifying Y2K
    myths that were going around in the late 1990s. There are ways to teach
    people to help themselves think more critically, skeptically, or
    scientifically. These particular forms of self-help are often easier to
    handle in a manner consistent with scientific methods than are many
    varieties of self-help being mass marketed. A Barnum-like atmosphere also
    pervades the self-help industry. As a result, many scientists and critical
    thinkers react as if they had hype-detectors activating when they encounter
    self-helpish material. Therefore, such material needs to be handled very
    carefully to avoid being seen as just another (anticipated) piece of hype.

    --Aaron Lynch

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