RE: taboos

From: Wade T.Smith (
Date: Fri Mar 30 2001 - 17:44:08 BST

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "Re: taboos"

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    Subject: RE: taboos
    Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 11:44:08 -0500
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    On 03/30/01 10:51, Lawrence DeBivort said this-

    >Alas, it is not an urban myth. It was actively used for TV at least once by
    >the Bush campaign in 2000.

    Oh, no, no, no- the fact that _some people think it was used there_ is
    valid- in that, yeah, there was a leftover frame- and the fact that some
    people use what they think would be a 'subliminal' effect is valid, but,
    no, there is no proof for, and quite a lot of evidence against, that
    'subliminal' advertising techniques have _any_ effect, at all, since the
    early fraudulent Coke affair in the 50's.

    - Wade


    From the Skeptic's Dictionary-

    Robert Todd Carroll


    The subliminal is below the liminal (the smallest detectable sensation).

    Anything truly below the level of detectable sensation could not, by
    definition, be perceived. However, the subliminal is generally said to be
    below the threshold of conscious perception. There is a widespread
    belief, not strongly supported by empirical research, that without being
    aware of its presence or content, a person's behavior can be
    significantly affected by subliminal messages. Thus, it is believed that
    one can influence behavior by surreptitiously appealing to the
    subconscious mind with words and images. If this were true, then
    advertisers could manipulate consumer behavior by hiding subliminal
    messages in their ads. The government, or Aunt Hilda for that matter,
    could control our minds and bodies by secretly communicating to us
    subliminally. Learners could learn while listening to music embedded with
    subliminal messages. Unfortunately, "...years of research has resulted in
    the demonstration of some very limited effects of subliminal stimulation"
    and no support for its efficaciousness in behavior modification (Hines,

    The fact that there is almost no empirical support for the usefulness of
    subliminal messaging has not prevented numerous industries from producing
    and marketing tapes which allegedly communicate directly with the
    unconscious mind, encouraging the "listener" not to steal, or coaching
    the "listener" to have courage or believe in his or her power to
    accomplish great things. Consumers spend more than $50 million each year
    on subliminal self-help products (Journal of Advertising Research,
    reported by Dennis Love, Sacramento Bee, 9-14-2000). A place called
    Holistic Hypnosis offers a wide array of such tapes developed by James H.
    Schmelter, a hypnotherapist with an MBA and self-proclaimed expertise in
    synergistic science. If Schmelter's stuff is not to your liking, try
    Subliminal Inspiration from Success Cassettes, Inc.

    It is true that we can perceive things even though we are not conscious
    of perceiving them. However, for those who put messages in tapes and then
    record music over the messages so that the messages are drowned out by
    the music or other sounds, it might be useful to remember that if the
    messages are drowned out by other sounds, the only perceptions one can
    have are of the sounds drowning out the messages. There is no evidence of
    anyone hearing a message which is buried beneath layers of other sounds
    to the point where the message does not distinctly stand out. Of course,
    if the message distinctly stood out, it would not be subliminal.

    The belief in the power of subliminal messaging to manipulate behavior
    seems to have originated in 1957 with James Vicary, an advertising
    promoter who claimed to increase popcorn sales by some 58% and Coke sales
    by some 18% in a New Jersey movie theater simply by flashing very briefly
    the messages "Drink Coca-Cola" and "Hungry - Eat Popcorn" at the
    subliminal level. Even though the claim has been shown to be a hoax, and
    even though no one has been able to duplicate the event, belief in the
    legend lingers. This story and several others were retold by Vance
    Packard in The Hidden Persuaders (1957), a book that became required
    reading for a generation of college students.*

    Belief in subliminal messaging reached a surreal apex in 1980 with the
    publication of The Clam-Plate Orgy and Other Subliminals the Media Use to
    Manipulate Your Behavior by Wilson Bryan Key. The book has been reissued
    under the sexier title: Subliminal Adventures in Erotic Art. Key claims
    that advertisers use subliminal messaging of a very serious sexual nature
    in order to manipulate behavior, including imbedding sexy figures and the
    word 'sex' in images of such things as ice cubes and food. While
    carefully examining a Howard Johnson's menu, Key saw that the plate of
    clams pictured on the menu was actually the portrayal of a sexual orgy
    which included various people and a donkey. Among Key's many unfounded
    claims is that the unconscious mind processes subliminal messages at the
    speed of light. Actually, the fastest brain process chugs along at some
    40 m.p.h. (Hines).

    Despite the fact that there is no body of empirical support for the
    notion that subliminal advertising is effective, in 1974 the Federal
    Communications Commission (FCC) issued an order saying that broadcast
    outlets that knowingly carry subliminal ads are operating "contrary to
    the public interest." In September 2000, Senators Ron Wyden of Oregon and
    John Breaux of Louisiana complained to the FCC about a Republican ad that
    flashes the word ''RATS'' (or "BUREAUCRATS") across the screen for 1/30
    of a second. ''We have reason to believe that broadcasters are airing
    television advertisements that contain subliminal messages in violation
    of the public interest,'' they said, apparently oblivious to the fact
    that something which can't be registered by the brain is unlikely to have
    any effect on viewers and is unlikely to violate anything except the
    reasonable bounds of credulity. Wyden and Breaux must be very bored. They
    ought to ask themselves why anyone would bother with useless subliminal
    messages when the overt message of the ad claims that Gore's prescription
    drug plan will introduce a bureaucracy that will interfere with
    doctor/patient relationship.

    further reading

    Hines, Terence. Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus
    Books, 1990).

    Volkey, J. and J. Read. "Subliminal Messages: Between the Devil and the
    Media," American Psychologist (1985), pp. 1231-1239. ©copyright 2000
    Robert Todd Carroll

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