RE: Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence: Israel and Palestine

From: Jeremy Bradley (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 02:24:42 GMT

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence: Israel and Palestine"

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    Subject: RE: Rumsfeld Says He May Drop New Office of Influence: Israel and Palestine
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    At 01:16 PM 23/03/02 -0500, you wrote:
    >And I believe that the peoples of Israel and Palestine could return to live
    >as neighbors. Strange, I suppose, to hear anyone saying that now, but I do
    >believe it to be profoundly possible. There are a lot of good people on
    >both sides, and everyone is distressed by what is happening and the toll it
    >is taking on everyone. For this to happen, the memes that are presently at
    >work will have to evolve, which is why our discussion of the situation and
    >its different memetic interpretations on this list have been of such
    >interest to me.
    >Best regards,

    Yes Lawrence
    The Poem below was written by an Israeli born Jewish man. From my
    narratological base, I would say that it contains the meme we crave. I will
    be away from my computer for a week, so I will get back to you then. But
    for now, think about the memes in 'The Green Man'.

    The Green Man
    By: Yehonatan Gefen

    Once upon a time, in a green town, there lived a man, a green man.
    The green man lived in a green house, with a green door and green windows;
    He had a green wife, and two green children,
    And at night, he would sleep in his green bed,
    And dream green, green dreams.
    One day, the green man got up on a green morning,
    Put on green shoes, wore a green shirt and green pants,
    On his head he put a green hat and went out
    The green man got into his green car,
    And drove the green road, in a green speed.
    On one side of the road the green man saw a green sea,
    And on the other side lots of green flowers.
    It was a beautiful day.
    And the green man was happy and sang green songs,
    He smoked a green cigarette, with green smoke.
    And then the green man saw that on the side of the road
    Stands a blue man.
    The green man stopped his green car and asked the blue man;
    "Hey, Blue Man, what are you doing here?"
    "Me?" said the Blue Man,
    "I'm from a different story."


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