RE: The Status of Memetics as a Science

From: Wade T.Smith (
Date: Sat Apr 21 2001 - 16:05:19 BST

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "Re: The Status of Memetics as a Science"

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    Subject: RE: The Status of Memetics as a Science
    Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 11:05:19 -0400
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    From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
    To: "Memetics Discussion List" <>
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    Hi TJ Olney -

    >I think it has been mentioned here, but it is worth mentioning again. The
    >profession that goes by the name of "Public Relations" used to go by the name
    >of "Propagandists" until Goebels so abused the methods.

    Well, I do think Bernays might have some disagreement with that, were he
    here to bring up the genesis of public relations as a profession.

    >Because, science or not, there are profoundly
    >practical implications for how to tailor campaigns of any kind to spread
    >points of view and sell products.

    Certainly. Public relations, marketing, advertising, drama, public
    speaking, product placement, body language, font design, how to win
    friends and influence your uncle.... They all been here awhile, perhaps,

    If a meme is simply and irreducibly (and all-encompassingly) an idea,
    then the techniques used to spread it could, I suppose, be called memetic
    engineering, if, for some reason, we have some need to redefine the
    mechanisms of perceptual influence. Personally, I feel it is specious,
    until we define and isolate this meme thing. So far, those who call
    themselves memetic engineers appear to be only idea panderers.

    Dime a dozen on any street corner.

    - Wade

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