RE: the earth revolves around the sun

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 04:52:33 GMT

  • Next message: Wade T. Smith: "Re: Modes of Transmission"
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    Subject: RE: the earth revolves around the sun
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    > RE: the earth revolves around the sunDate: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 23:31:35 -0500
    > "Wade T. Smith" <> "Memetics Discussion List" <>Reply-To:
    >Hi Joe Dees -
    >>Or is there such a thing as accidental dancing?
    >Yes, there is.
    >There is absolutely a process of rhythmic motion that is innate.
    >Well, it's not accidental, at all. It's very wrapped up in music and
    >speech and culture.
    >I don't know where to go with things like innate motivations and
    >processes memetically, because, while culture certainly contains and uses
    >these urges, it is so close to biological behavior that there doesn't
    >seem to be any need whatsoever for memetic content.
    >After all, bees dance. I believe most if not every human society has a
    >form of ritualized dance. There are many courtship dances among birds,
    >and fish, and insects.
    >So, yes, not 'accidental' but, without need for memetic conceptualization.
    >Once we get to the tango, then that's another matter.
    True enough, but one has great difficulty communicating to another that one wishes them to accidentally dance.
    >- Wade
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    >Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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