RE: question about memes

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 09:05:42 GMT

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: question about memes
    Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 09:05:42 -0000
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    > >A few months ago there was a program running, Vincent !? can you
    > >help me out here, about the reason why some great civiliations dis-
    > >appeared from the face of the earth. Evidence was duck up that confirmed
    > >tthe theory that in the end, when the peoples were nearly driven to
    > >exinction; their children were he only supply of food left_ not a cheer-
    > >ful thought, but the hard facts. I have no problem with picturing what
    > >happened and what might have been there, think of me as you like,
    > >but again, by no means I am upset !
    I don't recall this one offf the top of my head. In civilisations that
    experienced significant hardship, whether environmental or out of conflict,
    often they resort to ever more extreme forms of ritual behaviour (e.g. child
    sacrifice) to try and appease the gods. I don't personally know of a
    civilisation that died out because the adults ate all the kids, but there
    are precedents for such behaviour in other organisms who may eat their young
    if resources become very scarce, or if threatened by a predator (e.g. a wild
    mouse may do this if a cat finds it's nest- and that I did see on a rather
    gory TV show a few years ago about "animal cannibals").


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