Received: by id QAA12693 (8.6.9/5.3[ref] for from; Fri, 21 Sep 2001 16:57:09 +0100 From: "Aaron Agassi" <> To: <>, <>, <>, <> Subject: Why crash hijacked planes after we already *gave* them perfectly good rocket launchers? Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 11:51:02 -0400 Message-ID: <001101c142b5$36dc3700$> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 8.5, Build 4.71.2173.0 Importance: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400 Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To:
Revissions as of Sept 21 '01
It could be worse. It could have been an asteroid strike, for which we
remain scarcely better prepared than where the Dinosaurs. (For only one
frightening example, perilous near miss 1989fc wasn't even detected until
How ironic when terrorists who have reviled all civilized redress,
entrenched, then run out of steam and seek to go politically legit. Never
the less, history should never confuse terrorists with partisans in war
(unless they are clearly war criminals, as terrorists would be), nor any
legitimate freedom fighters taking up arms only as a last resort after
peaceful activism fails and becomes impossible, even risking their own lives
in protection of innocent bystanders whenever they strike, or, better still,
confining themselves strictly to the destruction of public property. That
is, only so long as it never escalates...
Sadly, even in South Africa, what began in every high minded restraint and
desperate measured response, subsequently descended all the way into the
enthusiastic mayhem of tribal warfare, as the very fabric of society was
sundered in the mounting and protracted chaos. Apparently, saintly Nelson,
who was in jail at the time, is quite right in denouncing infernal Winnie
run amuck brandishing deadly flaming "necklaces" of used tires and gasoline.
But, if otherwise, the truth will out, by and by.
Nor, speaking of which, dare we forget that mealy mouthed Chomski and Hanoi
Jane are yet to retract their vile apologism for (sic!) "self determination"
in Vietnam as exemplified in the Vietcong recruitment tactics that, after
all, where by far less civilized even than the coercion employed in the
draft. For the Fascists of the New Left are just as guilty of hypocrisy in
Faustian alliance as anyone else. Churchill, at least, was both desperate
and honest about that sort of thing. Because that was important to him.
Oppression and violence propagate when and where truth does not.
Indeed, though even affluent communities have also been known to harbor
terrorists, onr must suspect that they won't readily tolerate terror in
their own comfortable lives. The real purpose of terrorists groups, who may
themselves even live in the very lap of luxury, is to oppress and to
propaganda brainwash the uneducated and poverty stricken people of whatever
cultural or geographical entity they presumptuously pretend to represent,
the same Standard Operating Procedure as any other oppression by organized
crime, dirty Cops, or Juntas, in their own neighborhoods or locations.
Deliberate provocation of even the most well meaning authorities, let alone
the worst of them, into responses that will alienate the people from the
government are there fore another standard tactic, even outlined in the
writings of Che Gueverra, no less. Further more, instability brings poverty
and disrupts education, leaving the people all the easier to bully and
deceive, inured to ongoing danger and violence, the easier to recruit for
pay or by coercion.
In particular, the atrocities of the invading Taliban (originating in their
staging area of neighboring Pakistan under cover as a school of religious
study and drawing International criminal membership), including the mass
graves in which Afghan widows where buried alive, rather bring to mind the
barbarity Pol Pot's Cambodia, like the politics of the Mujahadin, long
ignored by the West simply because their enemies also happened to be our
Communist enemies.
Since the true goal of terrorism is the oppression of the people they
pretend to champion, terrorists deliberately choose the worst possible way
to make their ostensible point to the rest of the world, about which they
really couldn't care less! -And never actually want resolved...
These are the reasons why an active priority of terrorists like the PLO, and
then Jewish "Extremists" too, has been to assassinate their own moderates.
And agitators have commonly instigated violence in sabotage of all peaceful
protest. The likes of the IRA simply massacred their own peaceful protesters
from the beginning, the only true martyrs following in the path of Mahatma
Gandhi and Martin Luthor King, as traitors, summarily declaring all
diplomacy hopeless.
And, when even the likes of the Mujahadin and even the Taliban, however
useful in the interim, are considered too moderate by the most vicious
terrorists preferred by the CIA, then surely the center cannot hold and
escalating chaos is set loose upon the world!
And all of this is why bad government and dishonest business thrive on
terrorism, just as terrorism thrives on the destabilization resultant from
black opps would be puppet master foreign policy and unethical commerce with
petty dictatorships. This is not war, but cynical symbiosis and
No surprise, then, that it appears that Saudi Billionaire Osama Bin Laden is
another CIA creature, just like Sadam and Noriega. Because the Mujahadin was
armed by us, deemed useful against the Soviets so resented, it seems, mainly
for teaching Afghani women how to read and write! And Bin Laden was highly
sucessful in raising funds for the Mujahadin in Afganistan.
Later, the even more fanatical Taliban who wiped out the Mujahadin, looked
the other way for Bin Laden and his extensive network with Islamic
terrorism, because he proved so useful in drawing fanatical cannon fodder
for the Taliban in the ongoing Afghan civil war of attrition that had been
the Russian Vietnam.
The West incubated Islamic militancy, just as we did aggressive petty
dictatorship and narcotics trafficking. Capitalism does not merely sell the
rope with which to hang us with, we actually subsidize it!
How ironic that Bush Jr. has vowed, and with a perfectly straight face, not
only to route out the terrorists, but also to smash their support network.
What, is he dissolving the CIA? Or only Congress?
But now further bombing can only stir the rubble. And with the farm land
fallow, is anyone but the highly mobile Taliban well enough fed to move out
of the way? Other than they, hasn't anyone who can, already fled? -As
squalid and dangerous as life tends to be in the refugee camps at the
Where does foreign aid from neighboring Pakistan really go? Exactly what
sort of aid is it? How much goes to the oppressed and destitute, and how
much ends up with the Taliban? What will really result should Pakistan
buckle under US pressure, and halt all assistance?
In any case, tax appropriations for counter-terrorism will be astronomical,
unprecedented and open ended, now that Bin Laden has returned the favor of
prior Western support by deliberately helping Bush Jr. to look Presidential
and manipulate a frightened America, and the rest of the
shocked Western World as well, into war. Indeed, smuggled messages from
Osama Bin Laden
himself have come to light, indicating escalation into global Jihad the
Mansonesque greater objective he sells his adoring followers who's homicidal
and suicidal tendencies Bin Laden has so heartlessly exploited.
And, once again, huge profits stand to be made by the 1% who control 80%
(among 10% controlling 90%) of the world's wealth (as estimated by Forbes
Magazine), the Corporations of the Multinational Military Industrial Complex
who's lobbyists regularly give so generously to fund the campaigns often of
*both* interchangeable candidates from our identical political parties, in
each sham election.
In a word, graft.
This also explains why eminently feasible non lethal weapons (harmlessly
inducing unconsciousness or nausea over vast territories and large
populations, disabling electronics, and even temporarily sabotaging bridges
without destroying them permanently) are not being developed more quickly.
Too cost effective! And too merciful. No demand.
LSD aerosols, incapacitating non lethal flu viri, nauseating and seizure
inducing strobes and subsonics, also slippery plastic foam for dumping on
enemy bridges to render them temporarily undrivable. Most if not all of
which could have been long and well available even for the Gulf War. All
well known possibilities in Research and Development.
How wonderful it would be, now no less as then, to able to temporarily
incapacitate them all and let Interpol sort the guilty from the starving!
But there might still be casualties from resultant mishaps, no matter what
can be done to minimize them. That is why even non lethal tactical response
ought to be last resort.
For a time, America's consciousness was raised by our disappointment with
the Contras, our equal disgust with the corrupt Sandanistas who betrayed
their own revolution, and delight at Nicaraguan popular success in
democratically choosing a third alternative in an election. (Something we
have not yet succeeded in accomplishing at home in America.)
Ensuing American political support for the pro-democracy movement of Corazon
Aquino in the Philippines was a proud moment and the rare exception.
Another, less well known, was when the White House funded a group of Polish
American business people to fly to Poland and set themselves up to disburse
small business loans, and bring Poland back to vibrant economic life as the
Soviet Empire collapsed, because Regain still considered the Poles only
reluctant Communists, and our friends. (And, boy, weren't the Polish
Aparatchicks, drooling at the prospect of carving up a Western pork-barrel
for their own government pet projects, incensed, instead, to find themselves
bypassed by aid direct to the private sector, not only small business, but
even first time borrowing mom and pop enterprises!)
If, instead, such political and economic intervention where standard Western
foreign policy, for the proverbial ounce of prevention, the world could have
been spared the rise of Petty Nationalism, Militant Islamic Fundamentalism,
ethnic tension, cleansings, loose nukes and the KJB Mafia.
Indeed, some say that the Marshall Plan should have included the Soviets in
the first place, to avoid the Cold War from the beginning. Though others
blame Stalin's monumental Paranoia.
Come to think of it, grass roots political revival and economic development
of impoverished neighborhoods would make a wonderful domestic policy too.
To quote Abraham Lincoln "Charity for all and Malice towards none." And as
he might have put it if he lived today, a planet divided cannot stand. The
need for Reconstruction in earnest has not abated historically, only
Alas, most of the time, the West has simply stood by while pro-democracy
movements where overwhelmed by Militant Fundamentalism and Petty
Nationalism, in Iran when the Sheik fell, in most of Eastern Europe with the
collapse of the Soviet Empire, and all around the world, with depressing
consistency, blatantly stonewalling the repeated warning clamor of the
experts, each time.
No, this is NOT 20/20 hindsight, nor where the consequences complex or
unforeseen, but obvious and evitable. At best, this indifference, at worst,
deliberate, certainly there has developed systematic profiteering and
political manipulation. All in fulfillment of President Eisenhower's famous
and prophetic departing warning of the rise of the Military Industrial
Complex, now Multinational.
Indeed, who *can* count upon help by the West? Why, the likes of Sadam,
Noriega and the Mujahadin including Bin Laden! Then flag waving rah, rah,
rah, and false surprise when our own foreign policy Frankensteins turn on
us! For shame.
Bush in daddy's footsteps, rallying our sad, sick world against the enemies
of his father's creation! Noriega, Sadam, now Bin Laden. All Bush CIA
protégés. And all of this is common knowledge. But what choice have we at
this point? The public has been manipulated up against the wall, yet again.
I wouldn't mind the USA acting as the UN global policeman, if we weren't so
vigorously promoting the opportunities in the first place! And that is why I
cannot even think of putting aside partisanship for the sake of unity in
We have sown the wind, and reap the whirlwind. But consistently responsible
foreign policy would put a crimp on graft, including war profiteering,
energy price-fixing, insider trading, megga-mergers, liquidation and
auto-cannibalization, pork-barrels, Corporate Welfare, tax loopholes for the
rich, tax burdens for the working poor, slashed social services,
bureaucratic waste, Eco-rape, gorgeous Eco-preserves only for the rich, and
the exploitation of impoverished labor living under oppression in the Third
World, bereft of any better choice or redress, in order to then intimidate
First World labor with the threat of mounting unemployment, fired and then
hired back as temps with no benefits, Vice, the War on Vice, and privatized
prisons as a growth industry. All Neo-Malthusian Standard Operating
And the Running Dogs of the Oligarchs actually defend all such criminal
manipulative coercion, extortion and violence, Monopolism hording the
world's wealth, as Free Trade!!
Without genuine democracy, *real* free trade and open market competition on
a level playing field protected under the Rule of Law, true growth,
Progress, automation, actual production and prosperity for all everywhere in
the world, none of us can ever be safe. Not from terrorism, crime, AIDS,
pollution, nor even the next asteroid strike. All needless and evitable.
All the world wants to live the free and enlightened American dream, not the
loony imperial American nightmare! Which America do we stand for? The cost
of freedom is vigilance against scoundrels in power. Just because Communism
has failed, does not mean that Capitalism has succeeded. Not against the
very same kind of graft.
Bin Laden is just another killer rich boy, a wanna be Bush. A tool. A player
in the same endless and ugly Great Game. Both Bush and Bin Laden have made
themselves richer and more influential in the human suffering they are
fomenting together.
Indeed, a huge short sell on the stock market, on the day before the attack,
is under investigation.
Do either Bush Jr. or Bin Laden really believe in what they are doing, and
mean well? Perhaps there are no malicious intentions, but merely
overwhelming and impersonal political and economic forces at work. And
emotionally overwrought moral perception simply bends to fit. But does that
make any difference, one way or the other? "A king of fools is a fool
himself." The type believing their own lies...
The question remains, how can they all be thwarted, without distinction?
What can we do to change conditions for the better and reduce the
dysfunctional (un!)diplomatic (pseudo!)political and (anti!)social causes of
war, crime and terrorism, sooner rather than later? A question, first of
all, that only obtains after honest definition and then acknowledgement of
the problem. Because that is where any sensible discussion must begin.
Please distribute, cross-post and forward, freely.
Aaron Agassi, ongoing revision as of Sept 21 '01
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