RE: Cultural traits and vulnerability to memes

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 11:38:51 GMT

  • Next message: Jeremy Bradley: "Re: Cultural traits and vulnerability to memes"

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    Subject: RE: Cultural traits and vulnerability to memes
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    > >"determinism" is both true and at the same time completely without
    > >application in our lives.
    Seems sort of right to me. Saying that the range of our potential
    behaviours are determined, does not mean that individual behaviours at
    particular points in time are determined. Someone who is tall with good
    eye-to-hand co-ordination need not play basketball if they don't want to.
    Mind you, even if the social environment indicates to that individual that
    social success will be achieved through their playing basket ball so they
    play bball and become the next Michael Jordan, they will probably say it was
    what they always wanted to do.

    There is some application then in recognising the true limits of free will,
    and the extent to which 'I was only obeying orders' is a legitimate defence.

    Apologies for the posts today if they're a little out of it- a combination
    of an unwise post-2am stint on Metal Gear Solid 2 [playstation 2 game FYI;
    Poole's 'Tigger Happy' briefly referes to video games as meme machines BTW],
    and a 9am seminar on journalism and politics neither of which I've quite
    recovered from yet!

    I need another cup of tea (coffee is for Americans :-)).


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