RE: Morphic fields

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 10:55:24 BST

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: Spoiled Reward-Pathway Hypothesis"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: Morphic fields
    Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 10:55:24 +0100
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            <That's why I set it aside in my earlier post and offered
    evolutionary convergence
    > instead as evidence for MR. There's currently no other explanation for
    > convergence.>
            Ted, did you completely ignore my posting of the Dawkins' extract
    that you selectively quoted from, in which convergent evolution is perfectly
    reasonably explained?

            There are no organisms that have evolved separately that share
    exactly the same genome. Organisms that look remarkably alike, and have
    remarkably similar lifestyles, are none the less distinct, and Dawkins gives
    several examples (the weak electric fish of Africa and South America is a
    particularly good one).

            If you didn't get the post, I can re-send. Or just read the rest of
    the chapter of 'The Blind Watchmaker' you quoted from.


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