RE: World Language Losses at a Glance

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 14:36:02 BST

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: sexual selection and memes"

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    Subject: RE: World Language Losses at a Glance
    Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:36:02 +0100
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    >> I've always been bemused by the concern over the loss of

            <There are close parallels between cultural diversity and biological
    > diversity.>
            In what sense though? Biological diversity seems absolutely
    essential for the survival of quite a lot of organisms on the planet
    (although I suppose many bacteria could "care less" whether other organisms
    existed or not), but I'm not sure whether cultural diversity deserves the
    same kind of concern.

            OK, at one level we may be losing alternatives to established
    beliefs, different ways of seeing, etc. etc., but these different ways of
    seeing often underpin some of the most wretched disputes between peoples
    around the world, allowing people to find artificial differences between one
    another thus justifying them killing each other. I think it's a small step
    from worrying about cultural diversity, and legitimating ambiguous practices
    hiding behind notions of cultural 'identity'.


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