Re: What/Who selects memes?

From: Wade T.Smith (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 23:21:35 BST

  • Next message: salice: "Re: What/Who selects memes?"

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    Subject: Re: What/Who selects memes?
    Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 18:21:35 -0400
    x-mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0v3, Claritas Est Veritas
    From: "Wade T.Smith" <>
    To: "Memetics Discussion List" <>
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    Hi salice -

    >Hmmm, it depends on what you include in culture. Basic genetically
    >factors like sex and nature are surely to be found in most cultures.

    It does indeed depend what one includes. I only include human artifact,
    personally, while I see proto-cultural developments in many areas, like
    spiders' webs and birdsong and primate groups. Otherwise, it all gets too
    general. Sex, while found in all sexual creatures, is most certainly not
    a requirement of a culture. It's not even required for life. It has been
    selected for by evolution.

    >And these "fundamental" things can change.

    The human animal itself has not changed in over 50,000 years, and many
    would say that's short-sighted. Where culture comes from may not, also,
    have changed at all in that time. Like a tree, culture is seen as the
    leaves and the seasonal variations, but it all came from one seed, which
    is no longer known but remains.

    >So, are supermodels more aesthetic than Rubens Women these days
    >because of changed genes or does the culture dictate which genes are

    Are supermodels the ultimate in feminine aesthetic at all? Cultural
    appreciation of women certainly fluctuates, but I'm not at all sure
    supermodels are dropping progeny left and right.

    - Wade

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