Red, tooth and claw (was media and violence)

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 10:22:29 BST

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    Subject: Red, tooth and claw (was media and violence)
    Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 10:22:29 +0100
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    >>Compared to that, there aren't many fierce predators (didn't
    >> write a book called something like 'why big, fierce animals are

            <No offense, but I beg to differ. Even the vegans among us are
    slayers (of
    > veggies).>
            Don't worry, I'm not going to jump on you like Bill Benzon did! (BTW
    I'm not going to get involved in that one, apart from saying that I see
    Bill's wider point, but that's not what you were saying, nor do I think his
    term for you was appropriate. It's not like him to be so terse).

            Similarly here, I know what you mean, but still some veggies and
    fruits don't "mind" being eaten though- indeed isn't that the purpose, in
    order to get seeds widely distributed? I wonder if plants that bear fruit
    would, if sentient and able to talk, would be like that animal in the
    Restaurant at the End of the Universe that wants to be eaten? (Arthur Dent
    says that's disgusting, to which the retort comes, better than eating an
    animal that doesn't want to be eaten).

            There was something recently in New Scientist, that I think someone
    else referred to, about our early ancestors being prey rather than
    predators. I think our prey species ancestry affects our perspective on
    nature so that we focus on predatory animals more than other species.
    Tigers and sharks get our adrenalin going, slime molds don't.


            By the by, there was a piece I haven't read yet, that Robin F (where
    he gone?) should read, about a theory that the universe is nothing but
    information, and "reality" is some kind of holographic illusion. My brain
    was tired on Friday when I bought the magazine (and I was a bit miffed they
    hadn't published my letter), so if that sounds weird, I can't explain it
    further at the moment.

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