RE: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 16:47:58 BST

  • Next message: Vincent Campbell: "RE: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener
    Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 16:47:58 +0100
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    Well, examples of pro-social propaganda might be the recent 'Kick the Habit'
    campaign on the BBC. This was a co-ordinated series of television/radio
    programmes, and online material, and help guides, all aimed at getting
    people off drugs of various kinds (mostly cigarettes and alcohol but illegal
    drugs also). Whilst I would contest its effects, it motives are at least
    party pro-social (although there are other motives [healthier people means
    less pressure on the healthcare system, which is publicly-owned in the UK]).

    > ----------
    > From: Wade T.Smith
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 2:07 pm
    > To: memetics list
    > Subject: RE: a memetic experiment- an eIe opener
    > On 05/10/00 08:57, Vincent Campbell said this-
    > >whether pro-social propaganda is
    > >really what public relations is
    > The answer is yes, that is almost precisely what PR is- I would mightily
    > contend with the 'pro-' condition there. Cui bono?
    > One person's PR director is another person's minister of propanganda.
    > A limited but disturbing facet of memetics is its inclusion into the
    > propagandist's toolbox.
    > - Wade
    > ===============================================================
    > This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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