Re: Islam's Captive Women

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 02:14:25 GMT

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    Subject: Re: Islam's Captive Women
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    > "Grant Callaghan" <> Re: Islam's Captive WomenDate: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 17:09:09 -0800
    >>On Monday, February 4, 2002, at 11:32 , Vincent Campbell wrote:
    >>>Name me a religion that doesn't oppress women (or men for that matter).
    >>Most any Wiccan coven does not. Satanism does not, either, in
    >>its most organized form.... The Shakers didn't.
    >>Of course, generally, all of the established, state-linked religions do.
    >>And, what with the recent uncoverings about the catholic church,
    >>in several countries, the oppression of children, beyond the
    >>oppression of their free-thought, has been not only officially
    >>ignored, but, officially sanctioned.
    >>- Wade
    >You mean to tell me a black mass is not degrading to women? Of course, I've
    >never attended one, but the one's I've heard about sure were. Maybe those
    >"religions" are just the figment of someone's vivid imagination. I hear
    >that protestants across America are trying to have Harry Potter banned from
    >the school and libraries because it preaches Satanism and witchcraft. Much
    >to the surprise of J. K. Rowling, I surmize. I doubt she thought it had
    >anything to do with the "real thing." Could it have been a meme dream?
    >Satanism, through the Black Mass, is indeed, in my opinion, degrading to women, but I consider it to be a Christian parasite religion, accepting most of Christianity's theology and metaphysics while rejecting its conclusion on which of the major divisions to ally oneself with. Wicca is not degrading to women, as far as I have seen; in fact, some forms (Dianic Wicca) actually exclude men from participation (a little pendulumic overcompensation there, I believe). In most of Wicca (and here I include the main strains of Gardnerian and Alexandrian), a duotheology of differing yet complementary and equipotential deities, the God and the Goddess, are revered.
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