To Grant - a man of many assumptions

From: Sphinx 111 (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 08:49:34 GMT

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    From: "Sphinx 111" <>
    Subject: To Grant - a man of many assumptions
    Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:49:34 +0200
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    Dear Grant,

    >>>I think the field you are working in is the most appropriate for this
    >>>subject because memes are as much artifacts as
    >shards of pottery or stone knives. They can be used to trace the course of
    >civilization. People in your field already do this, but I suspect you miss
    >a lot by not including many of the mental tools people use -- the shards of
    >which can only be found in the forms of objects and the sounds of language.

    I am curious to know Grant, on what you base the statement

        "but I suspect you miss a lot by not including many of the mental tools
    people use ..." .

    The reason I ask you this question is because I know that you do not know
    anything about me or my work other than that I am an anthropologist,
    recently returned from the field in Egypt,
    who studies many areas - but only traditional culture was mentioned. I know
    this is all you know about me because that is all I mentioned about myself
    and my work in the previous post. Your comment is a reference to my
    'approach, methodology, theoretical basis, and content.... of which you
    assumed a considerable amount....that is inaccurate.

    This reminds me of a thread posted last year when some members of this list
    wondered why not many women post to the list...

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