Re: The Demise of a Meme

From: Robin Faichney (
Date: Wed Mar 21 2001 - 17:01:29 GMT

  • Next message: Robin Faichney: "Re: The Demise of a Meme"

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    Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:01:29 +0000
    Subject: Re: The Demise of a Meme
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    From: Robin Faichney <>
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    On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 08:39:28AM -0500, Wade T.Smith wrote:
    > On 03/21/01 05:03, Robin Faichney said this-
    > >I think you're confusing
    > >personal insight with scientific discovery.
    > I don't differentiate the two.

    I recently realised I'd been an idiot, in the context of a relationship,
    putting my pride first and everything else last. According to you, that
    insight was either (a) worthless, or (b) worth publishing in a peer
    reviewed journal. Which is it?

    > But-
    > >Science [in its full process] is a
    > >set of memeplexes that, ideally, reflect reality exactly, but in practice
    > >are always vulnerable to being found imperfect.
    > - yes.
    > And nothing else is.

    So if I tell you I've been feeling slightly more relaxed than usual today,
    that is either (a) untrue, or (b) meaningless, or (c) a scientific claim,
    suitable for attempted replication at an independent laboratory?

    Why does everything that's true or worthwhile have to be scientific?
    Isn't that just scientism? Don't you see there's more to life?

    Robin Faichney
    Get your Meta-Information from
    (CAUTION: contains philosophy, may cause heads to spin)

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