Re: mysticism etc

From: Joe E. Dees (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 20:04:24 BST

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    From: "Joe E. Dees" <>
    Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:04:24 -0500
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    Subject: Re: mysticism etc
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    Date sent: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 14:57:34 +0100
    From: Robin Faichney <>
    Subject: Re: mysticism etc
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    > On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 01:09:27AM -0500, Joe E. Dees wrote:
    > [RF]
    > > > > > If you're conscious, the universe is conscious.
    > [JD]
    > > > > If we're conscious, then discrete systemic parts of the universe are
    > > > > (sufficiently complex to be) conscious.
    > [RF]
    > > > "Discrete systemic" is an oxymoron. To take the systems view is to stop
    > > > pretending that parts are discrete.
    > [JD]
    > > Well, to take the systems view is to reject the idea that everything
    > > is some single sort of amorphous mass. By discrete, I meant
    > > distinct, differentiable, distinguishable.
    > Which says nothing about whether it's us, or the universe, that's
    > conscious. Your comment that we are sufficiently complex to be
    > conscious represents quite a common attitude, but it's based on a
    > misunderstanding of conciousness, at least if that's understood as
    > distinct from self-consciousness, being more akin to simple awareness.
    > That is not -- cannot be -- a function, such as intelligence. Rather,
    > it's an intersubjective attribute. Intelligence, if defined as something
    > like reaction time for tasks requiring cortical processing, is measurable,
    > whereas consciousness is, by comparison at least, almost imponderable.
    > It is purely passive, any reaction whatsoever being explicable in terms
    > of lower-level processing, whether that's in logical, cognitive terms,
    > or at the neural level.
    > Ultimately, what we consider to be conscious is not a dry, technical question,
    > but one that reflects our attitudes to ourselves, each other, members of
    > other species, and so on. To suggest that it's not us, but the universe
    > that's conscious, though (obviously) "through" us amongst others, is not to
    > propose a scientific hypothesis -- the suggestion that we are conscious is
    > not scientific either -- but to suggest a change of attitude to ourselves
    > and to the rest of the universe that will be found beneficial in terms of
    > our health and general welfare, as well as freeing some of us from
    > futile pursuits such as machine consciousness -- if all is conscious, there's
    > no point seeking it in any particular place, and it can't be found by
    > objective means, anyway.
    > There is much, much more that can and should be said about this, but even if
    > I had the time, this is not the place. You'll just have to wait until my
    > book comes out! :-)
    > Despite the smiley, I'm serious about this: Joe and I have been around
    > the block on issues closely related to this many times, and I will not
    > respond to responses from him, or from anyone else, for that matter.
    > I'd rather spend my writing time on the book.
    And Robin's book will mirror Brodie's; believe in happy lies if they
    make you feel better.
    > --
    > Robin Faichney
    > ===============================================================
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    > Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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