RE: Bush's War on Terrorism

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 11:43:19 BST

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "Re: Media and Violence"

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    Subject: RE: Bush's War on Terrorism
    Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 11:43:19 +0100
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            <And I'm non. I'm a Yorkshireman.>

            That explains so much... :-)

            Yes, it's amusing to hear the term 'British' accent, but then I
    suppose people over hear will talk of an 'American' accent too. Of course
    familiarity with a range of American accents is more likely in Britain than
    vice versa, if only due to the predominance of US TV shows on UK TV. Current
    TV favourites of mine include almost exclusively American shows- The West
    Wing, 24 (please don't tell me what happens!), The X-Files, Smallville, ER,
    and Malcolm in the Middle.

        As we used to say in my home town (Maidstone in Kent), we have pubs
    three times older than the USA.


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