Re: Logic

From: Scott Chase (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 15:24:02 BST

  • Next message: Philip Jonkers: "Re: Logic"

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    From: "Scott Chase" <>
    Subject: Re: Logic
    Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 10:24:02 -0400
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    >From: "Dace" <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: Re: Logic
    >Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 16:52:30 -0700
    > > Dawkins' 'The Blind Watchmaker' takes this as its central idea, that
    > > creationists assume the evolution requires a designer, requires someone
    > > set the process going. He refutes it ably and in a lot of detail.
    >Machines are made by intelligent beings. Why wouldn't this also be the
    >for bio-machines? And who else besides the cosmic mechanic would be
    >responsible for crafting the various models of life? Creationism is the
    >original form of mechanistic philosophy, and it remains the strong form.
    >Neo-Darwinism is the result of severe compromises with the necessities of
    >evolution, and the resulting mountain of improbabilities makes it the weak
    >form of the theory. As long as mechanism is the only show in town,
    >creationism will be the logical choice. This doesn't make it true, of
    >course. Both forms of the theory are false.
    > > I'm curious here, are you suggesting that creationism is more plausible
    > > evolution, or simply that a mechanistic description of evolution is no
    > > plausible than creationism?
    >Mechanism is far more compatible with creationism than evolution. The
    >of evolution is that the species are not molded externally. Their forms
    >arise from within, over time. Darwin's genius was to salvage the Creator
    >naturalizing him. Though God is blinded (and thus needs a lot longer to
    >create the forms of life) he still has two hands to work with-- the right
    >hand of natural selection and the left hand of material spontaneity (i.e.
    >random, genetic mutation). Like many powerful memes, God doesn't go
    >Darwinism is basically God in drag. Dress him up like Mother Nature and
    >then pretend we've gotten rid of him. As long as we accept external
    >creation-- whether supernatural or natural-- as opposed to self-creation,
    >we're still in the thrall of Authority.
    > > What view of evolution, in your view, is plausible?
    >When our hominid ancestors developed a method of scavenging for meat in the
    >hottest part of the day (after most animals have retreated to the shade)
    >they soon began developing sweat glands and losing their hair. The
    >phylogenetic shift occurred in tandem with the behavioral shift. This is
    >the norm, and it suggests that our own actions help determine our
    >We shape ourselves. If we'd had to wait around for a couple million years
    >for a random mutation to give us the necessary glands under our skin, we'd
    >still be waiting. Since we can't pass on acquired characteristics directly
    >to our offspring, there must be a kind of nonmaterial, species memory which
    >evolves in accord with the shifting behavior of individual organisms. This
    >is akin to Aristotle's notion that the form of the organism is determined
    >the species, not through machine-like processes arising from the nuclei of
    >our cells.
    Are you familiar with Rupert Sheldrake? It sounds like you are hinting at
    morphic resonance and formative causation.

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