Re: [Re: Genetic transmission of phallic attraction?!? [was Re: memes and sexuality]]

From: Emilio M.Recio (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 19:52:04 BST

  • Next message: Trupeljak Ozren: "RE: The Status of Memetics as a Science"

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    From: "Emilio M.Recio" <>
    Subject: Re: [Re: Genetic transmission of phallic attraction?!?  [was Re: memes and sexuality]]
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    "J. R. Molloy" <> wrote:
    >From: "TJ Olney" <>
    >>Two things to clear up here, 1) the difference between predisposition
    >>and determinancy. And 2) These two things are of different logical
    >>types and must be treated at the appropriate logical level.
    > That is an important distinction, and helps to explain how
    > predisposition can become determinacy via cultural feedback and
    > evironmental reinforcement. In this way, memetics may amplify and
    > augment genetics (though sometimes they conflict for ideological
    > reasons).

    No, I do not have a problem with the ''useless hypothesis'' (as you quote of
    cultural relativism) of predisposition. I understand the theory behind it, and
    it *seems* reasonable. What I have a problem with is the use of the phallic
    _power_ symbol. If you were to say that, then how about rectangular
    _communication_ symbols. Afterall, there are books, and computers, phones, TV,
    radio these are all more or less rectangular, etc etc.

    What I have a problem with, is the application of the term ``power'' in that
    statement. And the point I was getting at was that ``power'' is VERY
    culturally relative... in fact there's nothing objective about power at all...
    it's not as simple as control.

    Like I said, I would grant that it makes *sense* (i am skeptical if there's
    anything solid there, but it's a good theory anyways) that there is something
    attracting us towards ``the first tool'' ... very probably a stick of some
    sort. But to attach the notion of power is very shortsighted.

    Best Regards,
    E. M. Recio

    * Applied Sociology and Participatory Research *
    * Department of Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology *
    * Drexel University *
    * Philadelphia, PA 19104; USA *
    * Email: <> ICQ: <458042> *
    * Homepage: < > *

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