Re: terror linked to freedom instead of poverty?

From: Chris Taylor (
Date: Mon 15 Nov 2004 - 00:01:06 GMT

  • Next message: Chris Taylor: "Re: terror linked to freedom instead of poverty?"

    Clinical narcissism -- nice phrase :)

    Rx = annhilation of self, twice daily, after meals...

    Cheers, Chris.

    edace wrote:
    >>From: Scott Chase <>
    >>My recent hobby horse has been the history of the
    >>relationship between the US and Cuba. In the case of
    >>Cuban exile extremism and the acts that could be
    >>construed as terrorism against Castro and other
    >>perceived enemies, I don't think that relative
    >>political freedom is a factor since the exile
    >>extremists live in the US and are as free as anyone
    >>else in the US. They are also fairly affluent as a
    >>group, which would rule out the factor of poverty and
    >>looming privation. I'm not sure how oppression plays a
    >>role in the generation of the rabid anti-Castro
    >>mindset. Maybe some exiles are the product of past
    >>oppression in Cuba if they were imprisoned and/or
    >>exiled by Castro or fled after the revolution was
    >>hijacked by Castro. Some of them, if part of the
    >>Batista regime, may have been oppressors themselves
    >>when the shoe was on the other foot. They might also
    >>look at Castro as an oppressor responsible for holding
    >>Cuba down for his own gains and feel an indirect sense
    >>of oppression since they still have family members and
    >>lost estates in Cuba.
    > The key factor here is narcissism. Cuba was the last Latin American country
    > to overthrow Spanish rule. As other Latin American countries threw off
    > their colonial masters, the former elites migrates to countries where the
    > Spanish still ruled. By 1898 Cuba was brimming with aristocrats from all
    > over the Americas. At this point, it looked as if Cuba too was going down
    > the toilet to revolution and democracy. Lo and behold, the US intervened in
    > the revolution just prior to its inevitable victory and claimed Cuba as its
    > own. Thus the US became the new Spain. The aristocrats toadied up to the
    > US just as they had to the Spanish. It would be another 60 years before the
    > Cuban revolution would finally occur, and the aristos headed north to
    > Florida (where they are currently influencing US elections!)
    > The aristos are people who feel they are entitled to rule and to be rich whi
    > le others toil without hope in conditions of near-starvation. Justice, to
    > them, means they remain in the upper class while the lower class caters to
    > their needs. Injustice is when the lower class gains a measure of equality
    > and prosperity. This is known as malignant narcissism. The aristos are
    > vulnerable to memes that exploit their narcissistic mania. This doesn't
    > mean they harbor "narcissistic memes" but simply that memes ordinarily
    > considered irrational and absolutist are perceived as perfectly reasonable
    > in the context of their clinical narcissism.
    > Ted
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      Chris Taylor (
      HUPO PSI: GPS --
    This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
    Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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