Re: It's an ad, ad, ad world

From: Chris Taylor (
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 12:41:07 BST

  • Next message: Robin Faichney: "Re: It's an ad, ad, ad world"

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    > Another reasonable advertising idea, which you point to here, is raising
    > brand awareness. When people are looking for a product, and don't
    > necessarily have a particular preference, then awareness of a brand can
    > help. My issue with this, based on the article you posted, is that if
    > awareness-raising was such a powerful tool, then how come TV, billboards and
    > newspapers and so on are not enough for these people that we now have to
    > have ads on everything?
    > Maybe there's something memetic about the increasing ubiquity of
    > advertising- it's extent outweighs its (demonstrable) impact so what's
    > driving its spread?

    Is this not an arms race thing? The consumer (like a cushion) bears the
    impression of the last brand they were exposed to (in the scenario where
    they are looking with no knowledge - i.e. a few years ago, which mobile
    phone to choose).

    Perhaps the arms race is only in the mind of the marketing managers? I
    think that the person *really* being sold is the poor (frequently naïve)
    marketing department purchasing the ads.

     Chris Taylor ( »people»chris

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