RE: It's an ad, ad, ad world

From: Vincent Campbell (
Date: Thu Jul 12 2001 - 15:06:07 BST

  • Next message: Wade T.Smith: "RE: It's an ad, ad, ad world"

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    From: Vincent Campbell <>
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    Subject: RE: It's an ad, ad, ad world
    Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 15:06:07 +0100
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            <As long as we're on the subject of stores in britain, do you know
    > Wade Smith, in Liverpool? I wonder if I should sue for name
    > infringement...?>
            I didn't see this one on my recent visit to scouse-land. but I'll
    bet it's worth a visit, if only for the pithy sense of humour that
    presumably is common there.

    >>But they aren't
    >>going to make people like me, who can't stand stout, drink it.

            <But, if you were thinking of trying a stout, for whatever reason, I
    > think Guinness would be your choice, simply for name recognition. (What
    > stout _did_ you try, to convince yourself you don't like it?) >
            Fair question. It may well have been Guiness, and it amy well have
    been naem recognition, although it depends a lot on who I was with and where
    we were, since few pubs offer many varieties of stout on tap in the UK
    anyway. Peer pressure undoubtedly influenced my trying stout at all, as I
    generally don't like alcoholic drinks served in pints, preferring shorts
    mixed with coke or lemonade, and constantly got ribbed when I was younger
    about this. Alco-pops (do they have them in the states? I expect so) were
    definitely made for people like me (as well as the kids they're aimed at of

            I suspect my first stout taste may have been trying my mates' drinks
    and these could easily have been Caffrey's or Beamish. The only pint- based
    drink I really like is cider, and thinking about it, the first cider I
    really drank was Diamond White, again peer influenced as it was (still is?)
    a favoured drink amongst students (due to its high alcohol volume I'd say,
    rather than any ad campaign). I now drink Scrumpy Jack if I've a choice,
    because I prefer its taste to other brands, and it seems to have the least
    negative effects on me.

            Just to be contrary to advertisers my favourite drink was always a
    mixed one- a black russian- although I haven't had one of those for years.


    > >Yes,
    > >currently if you don't advertise at all, then maybe no-one will become
    > aware
    > >of your product and it will fail that way, even if it's good.
    > An interesting product (within my limited awareness) recently, perhaps
    > worthy of some study, and its peak may have passed, is 'Niagra' a soft
    > drink produced in Europe and marketed thru a web site and word of mouth.
    > It is hovering on a notoriety gained by a supposed elevated libido effect
    > that it has. Sex usually sells.... Robin, you there?
    > - Wade
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