Re: Why are human brains bigger?

From: chuck (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 18:37:48 BST

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    "Joe E. Dees" wrote:

    > Date sent: Mon, 22 May 2000 12:30:41 +0100
    > From: chuck <>
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: Why are human brains bigger?
    > Send reply to:
    > > In sum, I am arguing that there has to be a monitoring mechanism that compares
    > > and calculates our own individual interests and how that must wedged somehow
    > > into cooperative activities.
    > >
    > But except for the higher apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans
    > and gorillas), only humans can pass the mirror test of self-
    > recognition (Social Cognition and the Acquisition of Self, Lewis and
    > Brooks-Gunn, 1972), where the subjects are placed around mirrors
    > until they are familiar with them, then a dab of red paint is placed
    > upon their noses, and they are shown their mirror reflections.
    > Lesser apes and other animals, attend to the paint on the reflected
    > nose, treating the reflaction as an conspecific (an other of their own
    > species), while adult apes, some human children past the age of
    > 15 months, and all (except mentally challenged) human children
    > past the age of 2 years reach for their own noses, demonstrating
    > their understanding that the reflection is a reflection of themselves;
    > a concept of self is necessary to such self-recognition. This test is
    > a perceptual one, and takes place under the radar screen of and
    > free from any interference from the semiotic constraints of human
    > or animal communication forms.

    Joe -
    I'm glad you brought this experiment up, because I have been thinking about it for the
    last few months. I must say that I so far take the side of Pinker on this; I don't
    think it necessarily shows anything about self consciousness. Are we to draw from this
    experiment that because of an added a visual marker the lesson that lesser apes and
    other animals don't have a sense that their inner states of, say, readiness to do
    something, are different? First, we don't know just how different that little spot
    makes the image. What seems like a tiny distinction to us might appear huge to them. I
    seem to remember vaguely how this kind of thing is a common feature of ethology
    studies of recognition of others in the species. Second, the lack of this ability
    doesn't seem likely to me. Third, I would say that the best way to find the smoking
    gun on this one would be to actually research the action of the brain itself with MRIs
    and other tools. I would be quite surprised to find that animals don't have some sense
    of self.

    In the mean time, perhaps you could give an alternate explanation of how social
    animals calculate social behavior. I wonder if the ability to have empathy - so strong
    in humans - could play a role. It seems to me that that is an important way in which
    we interpret the motivations of others. And I wonder if empathy emerged because it is
    more effcient than a program that relies on hard coded stimulus/response. Or perhaps
    empathy is a better way to detect cheaters. I'd like your feedback with anything you
    have to say on the subject.

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